Absorption in Indirect Bandgaps

  • Thread starter pjcircle
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In summary, the conversation discusses the role of phonons in the absorption process of indirect bandgap semiconductors. Phonons can assist the electron in making the jump from the valence band to the conduction band by providing the necessary momentum. The Franck Condon factor is used to calculate the distribution of phonons released in the absorption process. It is also mentioned that at absolute zero temperature, only direct transitions are allowed, but at higher temperatures, indirect transitions can occur between vibronic states. The absorption at longer wavelengths in silicon at low temperatures is attributed to the presence of phonons. The conversation also touches on the possibility of phonons being emitted in direct bandgap transitions.
  • #1
Hi guys I just wanted to make sure I was thinking about this the right way. So in indirect bandgap semiconductors absorption needs a phonon to assist the electron to the conduction band from the valence band because a photon has virtually no momentum and only contributes energy to the electron while a phonon can supply the momentum needed to sort of go horizontally (k axis) on the band structure diagram. I am just confused with what the phonon actually does with the electron. Does it collide with the electron to transfer its momentum? Also was wondering what effect does the actual placement of the minimum of the conduction band and maximum of the valence band have on the phonon needed to make the jump. I am assuming if less momentum is needed to make the jump (min on left max on right) the phonon needed would have to have a negative momentum relative to the maximum point to assist the electron? Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
It is probably helpful to think of the absorption process to be localized in space. Basically, you are transferring an electron from a bonding orbital between two atoms into an anti-bonding one. This will change the equilibrium bond length between the two atoms and therefore classically, they will start to oscillate. In a QM treatment, you get a distribution of the amount of phonons released instead which is given by the Franck Condon factor.
  • #3
It is probably helpful to think of the absorption process to be localized in space. Basically, you are transferring an electron from a bonding orbital between two atoms into an anti-bonding one. This will change the equilibrium bond length between the two atoms and therefore classically, they will start to oscillate. In a QM treatment, you get a distribution of the amount of phonons released instead which is given by the Franck Condon factor.
  • #4
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assumed that when making the jump, the electron could either absorb or emit a phonon.

Meaning that when emitting a phonon,

ħωphoton = Eg + ħωphonon

And absorbing

ħωphoton = Eg - ħωphonon

Please wait for someone else to respond to my comment before you take it as truth however, I'm still new to this topic.
  • #5
I just realized that my previous explanation is not correct. Here is a (hopefully) better one.
In the dipole approximation (which corresponds to the neglect of the momentum of the photon), the intensity is proportional to the square of the dipole matrix element
##\langle i| d|f \rangle##, where i and f are the initial and final state, both electronic and vibrational. These states depend on the nuclear displacements e.g. for f as
## | f(k)\rangle =|e_f(k)\rangle |0_v\rangle+ |e_f(0)\rangle \langle e_f(0)| \partial H/\partial Q(k) |e_f(k)\rangle/(E_f(0)+E_v(k)-E_f(k)) Q(k)|0_v \rangle## in first order of perturbation theory.
Here ##|e_f(k)\rangle## is the electronic wavefunction for the undisplaced lattice and ##|0_v\rangle## the vibrational ground state wavefunction of the lattice.
The operator Q of the nuclear displacement either creates or destroys one phonon, so that ##Q(q)|0_v\rangle\propto a^+_q |0_v\rangle=|1_v(q) \rangle##.
Similarly, the ground state reads
## | i(0)\rangle =|e_i(0)\rangle |0_v\rangle+ |e_i(k)\rangle \langle e_i(k)| \partial H/\partial Q(-k) |e_i(0)\rangle/(E_i(k)+E_v(-k)-E_i(0)) Q(-k)|0_v \rangle##.
Taking into account that only electronic dipole matrix elements between states with the same k are non-vanishing, you see that one phonon will be generated or distroyed in the indirect transition.
  • #6
You need phonons to be present to enable an indirect absorption process.
At absolute zero only direct absorption occurs and indirect transitions are forbidden.
The indirect transitions at high T occur between vibronic states and these are not occupied at T~0 K.
  • #7
my2cts said:
You need phonons to be present to enable an indirect absorption process.
At absolute zero only direct absorption occurs and indirect transitions are forbidden.
The indirect transitions at high T occur between vibronic states and these are not occupied at T~0 K.
No, because phonons need not be present beforehand. They can be emitted in the transition.
  • #8
DrDu said:
No, because phonons need not be present beforehand. They can be emitted in the transition.
At T near zero only direct bandgap transitions are allowed. That means that in transitions from the ground state no phonons are emitted. Of course you can argue about high T. A transition from one vibronic state to another in a sense involves the absorption or emission of one or more phonons.
In any case phonons need to be present beforehand.
  • #9
I did derive in post #5 that an indirect transirion is even possible starting from the vibronic ground state containing no phonons. Do you have any proof for your claim?
  • #10
I have sources that at low T silicon becomes transparent for red light and longer wavelengths according to this link.
"For example, silicon is opaque to visible light at room temperature, but transparent to red light at liquid helium temperatures, because red photons can only be absorbed in an indirect transition."
A reference to a scientific paper is not attached there, however.
I expect this behaviour also from the k-values at 20 C at
If the temperature goes to 0 K, the absorption at wavelengths longer than say 500 nm will vanish.
So experiment says that a transition at or near the indirect bandgap energy is forbidden at 0 K, when there are no phonons present.
Clearly visible is the absorption at 354 nm corresponding to the direct band gap, which is at 3.5 eV (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.0591.pdf).
Only the direct transition is allowed if there are no phonons.
Or is your claim that ecen in the direct transition phonons are emitted ?
  • #11
Ok, clearly the likelhood for an indirect transitions increases when there are phonons present. Nevertheless, it does not vanish completely at T=0.
  • #13
Interesting, thank you. I would't have guessed that these indirect transitions give rise to so strong thermochromic effect.

Related to Absorption in Indirect Bandgaps

What is absorption in indirect bandgaps?

Absorption in indirect bandgaps refers to the process in which a material absorbs electromagnetic radiation (such as light) and converts it into energy, causing an electron in the material's valence band to jump to the conduction band. This process is important in understanding the electronic properties of materials and their potential applications in devices such as solar cells and photodetectors.

How is absorption in indirect bandgaps different from absorption in direct bandgaps?

The main difference between absorption in indirect bandgaps and absorption in direct bandgaps is the type of electronic transition that occurs. In direct bandgap materials, the energy of the absorbed photon is equal to the energy difference between the valence and conduction bands, resulting in a direct transition of an electron from the valence to the conduction band. In indirect bandgap materials, the energy of the absorbed photon is not equal to the energy difference between the bands, and an additional phonon is needed to assist in the transition.

What factors affect absorption in indirect bandgaps?

The absorption in indirect bandgaps can be affected by various factors, such as the material's crystal structure, temperature, and the presence of impurities. The indirect bandgap can also be modified by applying external forces, such as an electric field or strain, which can alter the energy levels of the valence and conduction bands and change the absorption properties of the material.

What are some applications of materials with indirect bandgaps?

Materials with indirect bandgaps have various applications, including in optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes and lasers. They are also used in photovoltaic devices, as they can efficiently absorb a broad range of the solar spectrum. Additionally, materials with indirect bandgaps are used in infrared detectors and sensors due to their ability to absorb longer wavelength radiation.

How is the absorption coefficient related to indirect bandgaps?

The absorption coefficient is a measure of how strongly a material absorbs light at a specific wavelength. In indirect bandgap materials, the absorption coefficient is lower compared to direct bandgap materials due to the additional phonon required for the electronic transition. This means that indirect bandgap materials are less efficient at absorbing light and may require thicker layers in optoelectronic devices to achieve the same level of absorption as direct bandgap materials.

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