About classical and quantum-mechanical statistics

In summary, the conversation discusses classical and quantum-mechanical statistics in a 4-particle system with discrete energy levels. The classical particles are distinguishable by their position or trajectory, while quantum particles are indistinguishable. The conversation also talks about finding the probability of finding a particle in a certain energy level and the difference between macroscopic and microscopic states in classical and quantum systems.
  • #1
Hi all,
I am reading an introduction on classical and quantum-mechanical statistics. The material considers a 4-particle system with discrete energy level 0E, 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E and 6E. It is said that the classical particle is indistinguishable but you can identify the different particle by their position or trajectory. And for quantum particle (the material takes bosons as example), they are totally indistinguishable.

Assuming the total energy of the system is 6E. For classical system, to find the possible configuration of those particles giving total 6E energy, we have

1) 2 particle2 on 2E level, 2 particles on 1E level. 6 possible ways to get this configuration.
2) 3 particles on 2E level, 1 particle on 0E level and 2 particles on 0E level. Total 4 ways.
3) 1 particle on 3E level, 3 particles on 1E level. Total 4 ways.
4) 1 particle on 3E level, 1 particle on 2E level, 1 particle on 1E level, 1 particle on 0E level. Total 24 ways.
5) 2 particles on 3E level, 2 particles on 0E level. Total 6 ways.
6) 1 particle on 4E level, 2 particles on 1E level, 1 particle on 0E level. Total 12 ways.
7) 1 particle on 4E level, 1 particle on 2E level, 2 particles on 0E level. Total 12 ways.
8) 1 particle on 5E level, 1 particle on 1E level, 2 particles on 0E level. Total 12 ways.
9) 1 particle on 6E level, 3 particles on 0E level. Total 4 ways.

For each configuration, giving 6E energy, it is called macroscopic states, each way to get that configuration is called microscopic state (?). We got total 9 different configuration (or 9 macroscopic states). There are total 84 microscopic states.

We want to find what's probability to find the particle in 0E level while total 6E energy is given. Here is my math. There are 84 microscopic states, the average number of particles found on 0E level is

##N = (0)\frac{6}{84} +
(1)\frac{4}{84} +
(0)\frac{4}{84} +
(1)\frac{24}{84} +
(2)\frac{6}{84} +
(1)\frac{12}{84} +
(2)\frac{12}{84} +
(2)\frac{12}{84} +
(3)\frac{4}{84} = 1.619##
The number if parenthesis denotes the number of particles in 0E level. There are total 4 particles, so the probability to find that particles in 0E level is ##1.619/6 \simeq 26.98\%##

Now let's consider the quantum case (bosons), the material said all particles are indistinguishable, so the author only counts the macroscopic state. The average number of particles found to be in 0E level is

##(0)\frac{1}{9} +
(1)\frac{1}{9} +
(0)\frac{1}{9} +
(1)\frac{1}{9} +
(2)\frac{1}{9} +
(1)\frac{1}{9} +
(2)\frac{1}{9} +
(2)\frac{1}{9} +
(3)\frac{1}{9} =1.333##

so the probability to find the particle in 0E level is ##1.333/6 \simeq 22.22\% ##.

Here is my question. I don't quite understand why we only counts the number of macroscopic state for quantum case. And in classical system, what makes (for example in the first configuration) it to count all 6 possible microstates? That is to ask where is that "6" come from in the classical case when 2 particles in 2E level and 2 in 1E level? To answer my question, I am trying to give the following reasoning. In classical case, we label each particle as p1, p2, p3 and p4. We could pick p1-p2, or p1-p3 or p1-p4 or p2-p3 or p2-p4 or p3-p4 to fill 2E level and leave the rest to the 1E level, this will give 6 ways to pick them up. But in this sense, we agree that each particles is unique to others. If that's the case, when we pick 2 out of 4 to fill 2E, says p1 and p2, since p1 is different from p2, why don't we worry about p1-p2 and p2-p1 is not the same configuration while filling 2E level?

I will appreciate if you could confirm my reasoning is correct (at least on finding the number of microstates).

And for the quantum case, using the same example as above, since we cannot tell which one is p1, p2, p3 and p4. So all those 6 microstates are the same, there is only 1 state actually. So does it mean in quantum system, there is no difference between macrostate and microstate?

To extend the bosonic system to Fermi system, I think we have the similar procedure except that we need to consider no more than 2 particles can fill on the same level, right?
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  • #2
KFC said:
If that's the case, when we pick 2 out of 4 to fill 2E, says p1 and p2, since p1 is different from p2, why don't we worry about p1-p2 and p2-p1 is not the same configuration while filling 2E level?
Order doesn't matter because there's nothing in the problem which calls out order.

KFC said:
So does it mean in quantum system, there is no difference between macrostate and microstate?
The author uses a somewhat odd definition of macroscopic state. It is what I would call a microstate. I would call the entire set of configurations 1) through 9) as one macrostate. But it depends on how much you know about the system. If you know that the total energy is 6, then the macrostate is all the configurations listed. But if you know what microstate it's in, then the macrostate is the microstate.

Related to About classical and quantum-mechanical statistics

1. What is the difference between classical and quantum-mechanical statistics?

Classical statistics deals with the study of systems with a large number of particles, where the behavior of the system as a whole can be described using classical laws of physics. On the other hand, quantum-mechanical statistics deals with systems with a small number of particles, where the behavior of the system is described using quantum mechanics.

2. What are the main principles of classical and quantum-mechanical statistics?

The main principles of classical statistics are based on classical mechanics and the laws of thermodynamics. It includes concepts such as probability, random variables, and distributions. In quantum-mechanical statistics, the main principles are based on quantum mechanics, including the wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle.

3. How are classical and quantum-mechanical statistics used in different fields of science?

Classical statistics is commonly used in fields such as economics, biology, and engineering to analyze and interpret data. Quantum-mechanical statistics is used in fields such as quantum chemistry, quantum physics, and materials science to understand the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

4. What are some real-life applications of classical and quantum-mechanical statistics?

Classical statistics is used in various applications such as market research, risk analysis, and quality control. Quantum-mechanical statistics is used in applications such as quantum computing, cryptography, and quantum cryptography.

5. What are some key differences between classical and quantum-mechanical statistics?

One key difference between classical and quantum-mechanical statistics is the scale at which they are applicable. Classical statistics is used for large systems, while quantum-mechanical statistics is used for small systems. Additionally, classical statistics is deterministic, while quantum-mechanical statistics is probabilistic in nature. Classical statistics also follows the principle of causality, while quantum-mechanical statistics allows for non-local effects and entanglement.

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