A Youtube video about physics careers (and other related matters)

In summary, the conversation discusses the career options for physics majors. The person initiating the conversation shares a Youtube video by a young woman with a physics background, who discusses various career fields for physics majors. The conversation also delves into the opinion that physics graduates often struggle to find a suitable job, and may end up doing unrelated work. The conversation also mentions the possibility of pursuing graduate studies in fields such as chemistry or biology, but notes that this may require additional preparation. It is also mentioned that attending a top school can provide more opportunities for employment. Finally, there is a discussion about the overlap between physics and other fields, and the potential for physics graduates to work in areas like biophysics.
  • #1
Education Advisor
Hi there. I came across this amusing Youtube video prepared by a young woman, ostensibly with a physics background (her handle is "physicswoman"), about career fields for physics majors. I was curious about what the rest of you think.

If you check out her channel, you'll find more topics about physics and science in general:


BTW, I'm curious if "physicswoman" is actually a Physics Forums member.
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  • #2
I think its hard to empirically separate "our degree prepares you for a broad range of fields" and "our degree prepares you for nothing, so our graduates bounce into whatever they can scramble into." I'm of the opinion that physics is a bit more of the latter than the former.

At the undergrad level, you have more time to retrain yourself (get a masters in some sort of engineering, and you can probably easily transition to an engineering field).
  • #3
ParticleGrl said:
I think its hard to empirically separate "our degree prepares you for a broad range of fields" and "our degree prepares you for nothing, so our graduates bounce into whatever they can scramble into." I'm of the opinion that physics is a bit more of the latter than the former.

I know around 3-4 physics teachers (they've been working for less than a decade now) who became teachers because that was the only job they could find. One of them teaches at his old high school. One of them said that he was turned down for some jobs he could have gotten after high school or with minimal training ("clerk" somewhere) on the basis of being overqualified. Then again, I'm from a developing country, and there isn't much going on here. And there is a tendency to hire business grads to work in business, English/French/certain social science majors in journalism, CS grads for coding, etc...

I'm inclined to agree with you. What I also don't like about how she frames this is how easy she makes everything sound. If she is indeed a user here, I'm willing to bet she hasn't been reading much in this sub-section.

She is wrong about physics graduates being able to easily go to grad school in chemistry or biology. One would need more than the 1st year general chem or bio that seems to be required of science majors at many schools.

Apparently, in Germany, people with a master's (or "diplom") in math or physics can work in insurance and banking doing more "analysis" kind of work. But take that with a grain of salt, as I don't know the specific backgrounds of the people who posted this information. (I saw a post on Reddit about this in /r/Germany)
  • #4
When she finally gets to what you can do with a physics degree her first suggestion is to go back and get a degree in engineering, bio or chem. lol, great advice... Then she says you can work in a lab doing one of many types of science or physics, I don't think that's true. Unless you go to grad school and do PhD research work. Her take home message is that you can do lots of different things with a physics degrees. Lots and lots... So what? I can do lots of things with no degree at all. You don't need a degree in anything to have lots of options available to you. You only need to be young, kinda smart and healthy. If that's all the degree does, leaves all doors open for you, then its worthless (with respect to a career). If it leaves you equally qualified for everything then it has really qualified you for nothing.
  • #5
Shes a bit overoptimistic because in her position as a recent college grad that is what you should do. If you are looking for a job you shouldn't go into interviews with a positive mindset.

However you need to be more than a few years into the life of a college graduate to properly reflect on "what you can do as a physics major".
  • #6
Mépris said:
She is wrong about physics graduates being able to easily go to grad school in chemistry or biology. One would need more than the 1st year general chem or bio that seems to be required of science majors at many schools.

I know math majors who went straight to an electrical engineering masters, physics major who went into nuclear engineering masters, chemistry doesn't seem like a big jump either especially since a lot of chemistry is applied physics (materials, etc); they would all require some extra prep but not a great deal.
  • #7
jesse73 said:
Shes a bit overoptimistic because in her position as a recent college grad that is what you should do. If you are looking for a job you shouldn't go into interviews with a positive mindset.

However you need to be more than a few years into the life of a college graduate to properly reflect on "what you can do as a physics major".

Rather, a "recent MIT grad" or "current MIT student." When you graduate from MIT (or any other "top school" for that matter), and make use of the resources available to you there, it's hard to not get a job.

I have no gripes with any person who attends a top school. I am just saying that they may not necessarily be in a position where they can appreciate that not every college grad had access to the same resources they had. For e.g, 5-6k undergraduates students that was meticulously selected, or on-campus recruitment by, and connections to, big consulting, tech, and finance firms.
  • #8
clope023 said:
I know math majors who went straight to an electrical engineering masters, physics major who went into nuclear engineering masters, chemistry doesn't seem like a big jump either especially since a lot of chemistry is applied physics (materials, etc); they would all require some extra prep but not a great deal.

She did not specify that one would be doing research on fields closely related to physics.

I understand that there are fields with significant overlap in physics, like biophysics, or fields which openly admit people who just have scientific backgrounds, like computational or systems biology.

But she does not talk about that. Whether that was her intention or not, she suggests that one can merrily hop onto an organic chemistry PhD. As if having a physics degree was akin to having studied the fundamentals of all that is science, thereby making transitions to separate scientific disciplines seamless.

Related to A Youtube video about physics careers (and other related matters)

1. What types of careers can I pursue with a degree in physics?

There are a wide range of career options for those with a degree in physics. Some common career paths include research and development, engineering, data analysis, teaching, and consulting. Additionally, physics graduates have the skills and knowledge to work in industries such as aerospace, energy, healthcare, and technology.

2. Is a physics degree necessary for a career in science or engineering?

While a degree in physics may not be required for all science or engineering careers, it can provide a strong foundation in problem-solving, critical thinking, and mathematical skills that are highly valued in these fields. Many employers also specifically seek out candidates with a physics background due to the rigorous training and analytical mindset of physics students.

3. What skills do I need to be successful in a physics career?

In addition to a strong foundation in math and science, successful physicists possess strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to think critically and creatively. Excellent communication and teamwork skills are also important for collaboration and presenting research findings.

4. What are some common misconceptions about careers in physics?

One common misconception is that all physics careers involve working in a laboratory or conducting research. While these are certainly options, there are many other career paths available for those with a physics degree, such as data analysis, consulting, and teaching. Additionally, many people assume that physics is only for those who excel at math, but in reality, strong problem-solving skills and a passion for understanding the natural world are also important for success in this field.

5. Is there a demand for physicists in the job market?

Yes, there is a growing demand for physicists in various industries such as technology, healthcare, and energy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 7% increase in employment for physicists and astronomers from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than the average for all occupations. This is due to the increasing use of technology and data analysis in many fields, as well as the continued need for scientific research and development.

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