A simple Proper Time Calculation

In summary: The problem involves a spaceship traveling between two space stations with constant acceleration and deceleration. The goal is to find the difference in time elapsed on the spaceship compared to the time elapsed on the space station. The hint suggests breaking the trip into four pieces and using the binomial approximation to solve. However, there seems to be an error in the given solution, as the final answer should be around 740 seconds, not 84 seconds as stated in the book. It is recommended to check the calculations and possibly contact the author for clarification.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose a spaceship starts from rest from a space station floating in deep space and accelerates at a rate of |a| relative to the space station for 1.0 Ms. It then decelerates for the same amount of time at the same constant rate |a| to arrive at rest at another space station and then repeats the trip back to its original space station with the same accelerations. How much less time has passed on the spaceship than on the space station?

Forgot to mention, $$|a| = 10\frac{m}{s^2}$$

Hints: We are supposed to calculate this by breaking the trip into 4 pieces and applying binomial approximation.

Homework Equations

$$\Delta \tau = \int_{t_A}^{t_B}([1 - v^2])^{(1/2)}$$

The Attempt at a Solution

I applied binomial theorem and for the first integral I get the following after integrating: $$\Delta \tau_1 = (t - \frac{1}{6}|a|^2t^3) |0Ms, 1Ms$$

The symmetry implies that $$\Delta \tau_1 = \Delta \tau_2 = \Delta \tau_3 = \Delta \tau_4$$ You can check the integrals to make sure this is true. I did, and got the same for each piece. So, $$\Delta \tau = 4 * \Delta \tau_1$$

Now, if you do this on your calculator you should get $$\Delta t - \Delta \tau = 740s$$

The book gets 84s. Either I'm making a mistake, or there is an error in the answers. I usually email the author if I can't see where I could be making a mistake, but I want to clarify with a second opinion before I question his answers.
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  • #2
unified said:

Homework Statement

Suppose a spaceship starts from rest from a space station floating in deep space and accelerates at a rate of |a| relative to the space station for 1.0 Ms. It then decelerates for the same amount of time at the same constant rate |a| to arrive at rest at another space station and then repeats the trip back to its original space station with the same accelerations. How much less time has passed on the spaceship than on the space station?

Forgot to mention, $$|a| = 10\frac{m}{s^2}$$

Hints: We are supposed to calculate this by breaking the trip into 4 pieces and applying binomial approximation.

Homework Equations

$$\Delta \tau = \int_{t_A}^{t_B}([1 - v^2])^{(1/2)}$$
Can you elaborate on this equation? There seems to be something wrong with it. At the very least it needs some differential to integrate over (maybe [itex] dt [/itex] ?).

Also, this section would be a good place to list what the "binomial approximation" is. Doing a google search shows a wiki article, but that article is flagged with issues. Thus I think it's best to show us how it is defined in your textbook/coursework.

The Attempt at a Solution

I applied binomial theorem and for the first integral I get the following after integrating: $$\Delta \tau_1 = (t - \frac{1}{6}|a|^2t^3) |0Ms, 1Ms$$
Can you show us how you came up with that evaluation? It doesn't seem to be dimensionally correct*. How is the length dimension (meters) in [itex]| a | [/itex] getting canceled out?

*[Edit: Or is that only after you convert |a| = 10 m/s^2 to units of ls/s^2 ? Even so, please show us how you came up with that evaluation of the integral.]

The symmetry implies that $$\Delta \tau_1 = \Delta \tau_2 = \Delta \tau_3 = \Delta \tau_4$$ You can check the integrals to make sure this is true. I did, and got the same for each piece. So, $$\Delta \tau = 4 * \Delta \tau_1$$

Now, if you do this on your calculator you should get $$\Delta t - \Delta \tau = 740s$$

The book gets 84s. Either I'm making a mistake, or there is an error in the answers. I usually email the author if I can't see where I could be making a mistake, but I want to clarify with a second opinion before I question his answers.
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  • #3
unified said:
Now, if you do this on your calculator you should get $$\Delta t - \Delta \tau = 740s$$

The book gets 84s. Either I'm making a mistake, or there is an error in the answers. I usually email the author if I can't see where I could be making a mistake, but I want to clarify with a second opinion before I question his answers.
All that said in my previous post,

for what it's worth, I worked out the problem using different methods and I too came up with an answer of ~740 seconds. So maybe there is an error in the book.

Oh, wait! The way I solved the problem (as mentioned above), I assumed [itex] |a| = 10 \frac{m}{s^2} [/itex] is the proper acceleration. But the question states that the acceleration is with respect to the space station. That might change things a little. [But then again, without working out the math, I speculate that that would only make the differential greater than 740 sec, not less. So maybe there is a mistake in the book?]
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  • #4
collinsmark said:
All that said in my previous post,

for what it's worth, I worked out the problem using different methods and I too came up with an answer of ~740 seconds. So maybe there is an error in the book.

Oh, wait! The way I solved the problem (as mentioned above), I assumed [itex] |a| = 10 \frac{m}{s^2} [/itex] is the proper acceleration. But the question states that the acceleration is with respect to the space station. That might change things a little. [But then again, without working out the math, I speculate that that would only make the differential greater than 740 sec, not less. So maybe there is a mistake in the book?]
Thanks for taking a look at it. The dimensions are correct. I'm using relativistic units, so |a| has units of 1/s. I'll email the professor and see if he is in agreement with our answers.
  • #5
unified said:

Homework Statement

Suppose a spaceship starts from rest from a space station floating in deep space and accelerates at a rate of |a| relative to the space station for 1.0 Ms. It then decelerates for the same amount of time at the same constant rate |a| to arrive at rest at another space station and then repeats the trip back to its original space station with the same accelerations. How much less time has passed on the spaceship than on the space station?

Forgot to mention, $$|a| = 10\frac{m}{s^2}$$

Hints: We are supposed to calculate this by breaking the trip into 4 pieces and applying binomial approximation.

Homework Equations

$$\Delta \tau = \int_{t_A}^{t_B}([1 - v^2])^{(1/2)}dt$$

The Attempt at a Solution

I applied binomial theorem and for the first integral I get the following after integrating: $$\Delta \tau_1 = (t - \frac{1}{6}|a|^2t^3) |0Ms, 1Ms$$

The symmetry implies that $$\Delta \tau_1 = \Delta \tau_2 = \Delta \tau_3 = \Delta \tau_4$$ You can check the integrals to make sure this is true. I did, and got the same for each piece. So, $$\Delta \tau = 4 * \Delta \tau_1$$

Now, if you do this on your calculator you should get $$\Delta t - \Delta \tau = 740s$$

The book gets 84s. Either I'm making a mistake, or there is an error in the answers. I usually email the author if I can't see where I could be making a mistake, but I want to clarify with a second opinion before I question his answers.

Integral updated to include a dt term.

Related to A simple Proper Time Calculation

1. What is Proper Time?

Proper time is a physical concept used in the theory of relativity to measure the elapsed time between two events that occur at the same location in space for a specific observer.

2. How is Proper Time Calculated?

Proper time is calculated using the equation Δτ = √(Δt² - Δx²/c²), where Δt is the time interval in the observer's frame of reference, Δx is the distance travelled, and c is the speed of light.

3. Why is Proper Time Important?

Proper time is important because it is an invariant quantity, meaning it is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion. It is also a fundamental concept in the theory of relativity and is used to understand the effects of time dilation.

4. Can Proper Time be Negative?

No, proper time cannot be negative. It is always a positive quantity as it represents the elapsed time between two events.

5. How is Proper Time Different from Coordinate Time?

Proper time and coordinate time are two different measures of time used in the theory of relativity. Proper time is the time interval between two events in the observer's reference frame, while coordinate time is the time interval between the same events measured by a distant observer in a different frame of reference.

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