A Realistic Cosmological Model: 90 Years of Development

In summary, the papers presented at this conference are all based on the hot big bang cosmology model and accept without question that it is the correct one. There is little or no attempt being made to critically review what has taken place in the last 90 or 100 years, and observers feel that they have to interpret its results in terms of what this theory allows.
  • #1
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Dearly Missed
arXiv:0811.2402 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: A Realistic Cosmological Model Based on Observations and Some Theory Developed Over the Last 90 Years
Authors: Geoffrey Burbidge
Comments: 21 pages, conference
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
This meeting is entitled "A Century of Cosmology." But most of the papers being given here are based on work done very recently and there is really no attempt being made to critically review what has taken place in the last 90 or 100 years. Instead, in general the participants accept without question that cosmology equates to "hot big bang cosmology" with all of its bells and whistles. All of the theory and the results obtained from observations are interpreted on the assumption that this extremely popular model is the correct one, and observers feel that they have to interpret its results in terms of what this theory allows. No one is attempting to seriously test the model with a view to accepting it or ruling it out. They are aware, as are the theorists, that there are enough free parameters available to fix up almost any model of the type.
The current scheme given in detail for example by Spergel et al (206, 2007) demonstrates this. How we got to this stage is never discussed, and little or no attention is paid to the observations obtained since the 1960s on activity in the centers of galaxies and what they imply. We shall show that they are an integral part of a realistic cosmological model. In this paper I shall take a different approach, showing first how cosmological ideas have developed over the last 90 years and where mistakes have been made. I shall conclude with a realistic model in which all of the observational material is included, and compare it with the popular model. Not surprisingly I shall show that there remain many unsolved problems, and previously unexpected observations, most of which are ignored or neglected by current observers and theorists, who believe that the hot big bang model must be correct.
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  • #2
What are the arguments against this hydrogen burning.

It strongly suggests that the CMB does arise from hydrogen burning, but the time scale
for the universe must be much longer than (H−1
o ). Since the universe is largely made up of
condensed regions of matter (lumps) in the form of galaxies, these must be the places where
the creation processes occur.
This leads us directly to the idea that the CMB arises in active galaxies, and the overall
time scale leads us to the conclusion that the universe is cyclic. This means that we are in
an expanding phase now, with a cycle time of ≈ 20 Gyrs. Later on the universe will slow
down and start to collapse. However, the pressure exerted by the active galaxies as they
squeeze close together means that the universe will not collapse back down to a region of
extreme conditions.
  • #3
Hi Wolram,

It may be that we old curmudgeons (me and Burbidge) like to stick together, but I like Burbidge's paper.

This is an extremely presumptive thing for an ignoramous like me to make, but I feel a lot more comfortable with the cyclic universe than the BB, and dark matter and dark energy have always struck me as fudge factors put in because we don't know what's going on.

Admittedly, I don't understand everything he's presenting in his paper, but I'll read it a few more times and see if I can't get more out of it. But for now, I like it.

  • #4

Related to A Realistic Cosmological Model: 90 Years of Development

1. What is a cosmological model?

A cosmological model is a theoretical framework used to understand and explain the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It combines observations, mathematical equations, and physical principles to create a comprehensive understanding of the universe.

2. Why is it important to have a realistic cosmological model?

A realistic cosmological model allows us to make predictions about the behavior of the universe and test those predictions against observations. It also helps us better understand fundamental concepts such as the nature of matter, energy, and gravity.

3. How has the development of the cosmological model evolved over the past 90 years?

The cosmological model has undergone many changes and improvements over the past 90 years. It started with the discovery of the expanding universe by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s and has since been refined and modified through advancements in technology and new scientific discoveries.

4. What are some key components of a realistic cosmological model?

A realistic cosmological model includes elements such as the Big Bang theory, dark matter, dark energy, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. It also takes into account the large-scale structure of the universe and the formation of galaxies and other celestial bodies.

5. How does a realistic cosmological model help us understand our place in the universe?

A realistic cosmological model provides us with a framework to understand the vastness and complexity of the universe. It also helps us understand the role of humanity in the grand scheme of things and how we are connected to the rest of the universe.

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