A horse has infinite number of legs? huh? help

  • Thread starter StupidHead
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In summary: So by the Principle of Mathematical Induction it is true for any number in that sequence. This proves the Theorem. In summary, the theorem states that all horses have an infinite number of legs. The proof of the theorem is a play on words that relies on the homonyms fore (four) and odd (meaning 'strange' as well as 'not even').
  • #1
I don't get this at all :confused: If you were going to respond to this, what would be a logical answer? I don't even know what the question is asking me to do!
Jennifer :blushing:

In this paper we develop machinery sufficient to prove the following

THEOREM: All horses have an infinite number of legs.

The theorem may seem intuitively obvious to some, but in the interest of rigor we will give a complete proof. We begin with two Lemmas:

Lemma 1: All horses are the same color.
Proof: We use the Principle of Mathematical Induction on the number, n, of horses.
Clearly, one horse is the same color, so the Lemma is true for n=1.
Now assume k horses are the same color, and consider k+1 horses. If we remove anyone horse, we are left with k horses, which, by hypothesis, are all the same color. Since we removed an arbitrary horse, all k+1 horses are the same color.

Lemma 2: If a number is both even and odd, then it is infinite.
Proof: Let n be a number which is both even and odd, and assume n is finite.
As an even number, n = 2a for some integer a, and as an odd number, n = 2a+1. Thus 2a = 2a+1, whence 0 = 1. This contradiction establishes Lemma 2.

Proof of Theorem: All horses have forelegs in front and two in back, so that all horses have six legs. Now six is an even number, but six is clearly an odd number of legs for a horse to have. Thus the number of legs on a horse is both even and odd, and so by Lemma 2 it must be infinite.
You say, "But my horse has four legs." That, however, is a horse of a different color, which by Lemma 1 does exist.
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  • #2
What question?
  • #3
That's what I said! I guess the point is to disprove the Theorem... but how?
  • #4
Just point out some of the logical fallacies it employs.
  • #5
There's a mathematical fallacy in lemma 1 (second inductive step) and the proof of the theorem is really nothing more than a play on words, utilizing the homonyms fore (four) and odd (meaning 'strange' as well as 'not even').
  • #6
lemma 2 isn't without it's problems either.
  • #7
shmoe said:
lemma 2 isn't without it's problems either.

Ooops ! Didn't really see that "2a = 2a +1" , did I ? I guess I skipped past it because it was a reasonable statement that no finite integer is both even and odd.

This reminds me of another riddle...try this :

Three friends go to a restaurant and order 10 cups of tea. Each of them drinks an odd number of cups, but as many cups as have been ordered have been drunk. How many cups did each drink ?

<cue : you're supposed to say "it's not possible" or "I give up...how many ?">
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  • #8
The conclusion that your "number" was infinite is a little troublesome too.

For the tea drinkers-one of them drinks ten cups, which is certainly an odd number off cups of tea to drink. Or something along those lines? Similar wordplay can prove that 2 is the oddest prime.
  • #9
shmoe said:
The conclusion that your "number" was infinite is a little troublesome too.

For the tea drinkers-one of them drinks ten cups, which is certainly an odd number off cups of tea to drink. Or something along those lines?
Yup...exactly along those lines.
Similar wordplay can prove that 2 is the oddest prime.
Haven't heard this one. But it would sound nicer to conclude that 2 is an odd number...or is that what you meant ?
  • #10
Gokul43201 said:
Haven't heard this one. But it would sound nicer to conclude that 2 is an odd number...or is that what you meant ?

Duh to me, that would have been more relevant to the discussion:). I do prefer the phrase "2 is the oddest prime number" though, since it adds the absurdity that one number can be "more odd" than another.
  • #11
2 is an odd prime because -1 =1 mod 2 and this creates all kinds of special cases of things in mathematical literature. For instance in any characteristic other than two a norm is the same as an inner product (polarization identity). A symplectic form of a field of odd characteristic can only be non-degenerate only if the underlying vector space is even dimensional, this isn't true in char 2. Lie algebras in char 2 are odd. (actually they are odd in char 3, too for other important numerical reasons.) You don't want to do elliptic curves in deg 2 (or 3 as well, I seem to recall, though I'm not sure). If we want to get fancy, and who doesn't, then the homology of elementary p-groups of the same rank is the same for all p except p=2.
  • #12
The "theorem" was worth a good laugh, though. Here's a proof that anything exists:

1. X exists.
2. Both these statements are false.

where X can be anything from unicorns to pink elephants.
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  • #13
The fallacies in the proof, in order, are:
--fallacy of composition
--false dichotomy
--equivocation (twice)

Related to A horse has infinite number of legs? huh? help

1. How can a horse have an infinite number of legs?

It is a common misconception that a horse can have an infinite number of legs. In reality, this is not possible and is simply a mathematical concept that does not apply to real-world objects.

2. Is there any scientific explanation for this concept?

No, there is no scientific explanation for a horse having an infinite number of legs. This concept is purely theoretical and has no basis in reality.

3. Why do people believe that a horse can have an infinite number of legs?

This belief may stem from a popular mathematical paradox called the "Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel". It uses the concept of infinity to illustrate a counterintuitive scenario.

4. Can this concept be applied to other animals or objects?

No, this concept of a horse having an infinite number of legs cannot be applied to any other animal or object. It is a purely theoretical concept that does not have any practical application.

5. How can we understand the concept of infinity better?

The concept of infinity is a complex mathematical concept that is difficult to fully comprehend. It is best understood through mathematical principles and theories, rather than trying to apply it to real-world objects.

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