A few Angular Momentum and Rotational Kinematics Conceptual Questions

In summary: I don't remember if you were supposed to actually answer the questions, or just summarize the conversation. If the latter, You didn't do it. Your answers are good, but this wasn't about the answers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Each of the questions are either increase, decrease, equal, or undetermined.

1) You are sitting on a rotating chair, holding a 2 kg mass in each arm outstretched. When the masses are dropped, your angular momentum -------.

2) You sit in a rotating chair holding 2 kg masses in each hand close to your chest. When your arms (and masses) are outstretched, the rotational kinetic energy ------.

3) Two equal masses are on a turning wheel at a distance r from the axis of rotation. When the masses are moved to .5r , the angular momentum of the masses ------. Assume no friction.

4) You stand on the edge of a large freely floating platform. As you walk towards the center of the platform, the rate of rotation -------.

5) Two equal masses are on a rotating massless rod at a distance r from the axis of rotation. When the masses are moved to .5r without exerting any external torque, the linear velocity of the masses ---------.

Homework Equations

I = mr^2
I1w1 = I2w2 (conservation angular momentum)
Rotate KE = .5Iw^2
linear v = r*w

The Attempt at a Solution

1) Equal. Conservation of momentum says momentum is conserved, dropping the masses will increase one's angular velocity (w), but the momentum will always be equal without external forces acting.

2) Increases. Rotate KE = .5Iw^2 = .5mr^2w^2, and increasing the value of r would increase the kinetic energy. Does radius actually affect rotational KE since .5Iw^2 reduces to .5mv^2?

3) Equal. Once again, conservation of angular momentum. When r is decrease and m is constant, w will increase to conserve momentum.

4) Increases. Conservation of momentum says mr^2w = mr^2w. If the radius decreases with mass staying constant, w must increase.

5) Increases. Conservation of momentum: mrv (from Iw) = mrv. With constant masses, decreasing r would increase linear velocity.

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  • #2
rustyshackle said:

Homework Statement

Each of the questions are either increase, decrease, equal, or undetermined.

1) You are sitting on a rotating chair, holding a 2 kg mass in each arm outstretched. When the masses are dropped, your angular momentum -------.

2) You sit in a rotating chair holding 2 kg masses in each hand close to your chest. When your arms (and masses) are outstretched, the rotational kinetic energy ------.

3) Two equal masses are on a turning wheel at a distance r from the axis of rotation. When the masses are moved to .5r , the angular momentum of the masses ------. Assume no friction.

4) You stand on the edge of a large freely floating platform. As you walk towards the center of the platform, the rate of rotation -------.

5) Two equal masses are on a rotating massless rod at a distance r from the axis of rotation. When the masses are moved to .5r without exerting any external torque, the linear velocity of the masses ---------.

Homework Equations

I = mr^2
I1w1 = I2w2 (conservation angular momentum)
Rotate KE = .5Iw^2
linear v = r*w

The Attempt at a Solution

1) Equal. Conservation of momentum says momentum is conserved, dropping the masses will increase one's angular velocity (w), but the momentum will always be equal without external forces acting.

Love the first word. Love the next 7 words. Don't like the rest.
In the initial situation, You had some angular momentum, and the masses had some angular momentum.
When you released the masses, their part of the initial angular momentum goes with them, causing them to do what ever they do, while your angular momentum remains with you. The important thing is that your rate of rotation will not change, since neither your mass nor your angular momentum changed.

I have not read the rest of your answers yet.

2) Increases. Rotate KE = .5Iw^2 = .5mr^2w^2, and increasing the value of r would increase the kinetic energy. Does radius actually affect rotational KE since .5Iw^2 reduces to .5mv^2?

3) Equal. Once again, conservation of angular momentum. When r is decrease and m is constant, w will increase to conserve momentum.

4) Increases. Conservation of momentum says mr^2w = mr^2w. If the radius decreases with mass staying constant, w must increase.

5) Increases. Conservation of momentum: mrv (from Iw) = mrv. With constant masses, decreasing r would increase linear velocity.


comment on 1 included above.

Related to A few Angular Momentum and Rotational Kinematics Conceptual Questions

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that describes the rotational motion of an object. It is calculated by multiplying an object's moment of inertia (a measure of its resistance to rotational motion) by its angular velocity (a measure of how fast it is rotating).

What is the difference between angular momentum and linear momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of rotational motion, while linear momentum is a measure of translational motion. Angular momentum depends on an object's moment of inertia and angular velocity, while linear momentum depends on an object's mass and linear velocity.

How does angular momentum relate to torque?

Angular momentum and torque are directly related. Torque is a measure of the rotational force applied to an object, and it is equal to the rate of change of an object's angular momentum. In other words, torque causes changes in angular momentum.

What is conservation of angular momentum?

Conservation of angular momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant, unless acted upon by an external torque. This means that in the absence of external forces, the angular momentum of a system will remain constant over time.

How is angular momentum used in real-world applications?

Angular momentum is used in various real-world applications, such as the design of vehicles and machines that involve rotational motion, such as helicopters and turbines. It is also used in sports, such as figure skating and gymnastics, where rotational motion plays a key role. In addition, angular momentum is used in astronomy to understand the rotational motion and stability of celestial bodies.

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