Who Feels the Pain of Badger Overload?

  • Thread starter Zantra
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In Summary,The conversation discusses a strange site that is causing people to have flashbacks to the 1960s. The group tries to figure out what the site is, and some speculate that it might be a mushroom. They also discuss the history of religion and the relationship between the mushroom and the serpent.
  • #36
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
I clicked but after 45 seconds it still hadn't come up so I said to hell with it.
Good things to come to those who WAIT!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Originally posted by Gale17
you forgot the G in forgot too.
Yeah, well I forot to eat lunch, too.
  • #38
As long as we're talking about stupid webpages...

<enigma digs around in his closet>

Ah! Here it is!

<enigma blows the dust off>



I could only take the badgers for about 30 seconds. This site I can laugh at all day long! (sorry... you need sound for this one too...)
  • #39
And when you have your fill of Zombo.com...where you really can do anything...at Zombo.com That does flow off the tongue like butter doesn't it? Zombo.com. Zombo.com. Anyway...

One of my favorites:


Turn sound on.
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  • #40
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
And when you have your fill of Zombo.com...where you really can do anything...at Zombo.com That does roll of the tongue doesn't it? Zombo.com. Zombo.com. Anyway...

One of my favorites:


Turn sound on.
Oh, Lordy! I LOVE that one more than life itself!
Thank you, Ivan. I'm not sure my friends and family will survive it, but they're all getting the link emailed to them NOW!
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  • #41

Zombo and Insanitytest came up pretty quickly, which is nice. But...

Is the badger site better?
  • #42
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

Zombo and Insanitytest came up pretty quickly, which is nice. But...

Is the badger site better?
NOTHING is better than that insanity test! I can't stop laughing!
  • #43

Zantra, I feel your pain.
  • #44
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Thanks Ivan. So, what, it's like inredibly cute? Weird/funny? Can someone penetrate, Dostoyevski-like, to its soul and characterize for me the essential nature of the humor?

First, the music appeal is due to its primitive, if not primal beat. It has much the same rhythmic appeal as tribal music. Next, we see an unexpected sequence of badgers doing deep knee bends. This evokes a humorous response since it is an unexpected, unfamiliar, and nonsensical scene. Then, without any context or warning, we are dramatically transported to the magic mushroom, MUSHROOM; which is sung with extreme overemphasis on the second iteration. Again, due to the lack of context, and without any apparent motivation, the emphasis is surprising and evokes humor by its utter shock value. Finally, we see a disney-esque snake that intrudes as the visual and auditory climax of the story. A powerful complex of anticipation and reckless abandon overwhelm the psyche as the vocalist cries in desperation – SSSSSSNNNNAAAAKKKKKEEEEE! SSSSSSNNNNNNAAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEE! I’m not sure if the snake is symbolic of temptation, or if is used as a phallic symbol. The garden setting conjures notions of Eden, and Eve, so really we see references to both temptation and sex.
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  • #45
I had no idea my little link would spawn 3 pages of responses.
But the more I listen to this song, the more trance-like it seems.
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  • #46
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Thanks Ivan. So, what, it's like inredibly cute? Weird/funny? Can someone penetrate, Dostoyevski-like, to its soul and characterize for me the essential nature of the humor?

Zoobyshoe lamented the banal circumstances of his misbegotten fortune. He could continue to bear an existence protracted of its own reasononless accord into the great gaping nothingness, but for the naked lack of even an occasional reasonless guffaw. The sophisticated and delicate humor of contemporary adulthood rarely failed to bring a grin to his face, born of the subtle vagaries of playful intellectualism and opportunistic facetiousness; but how long ago had been the last time he had pissed a gut in the wanton rippling throes of the unconscionable laughter of youth, simple blissful youth! How he longed for a comedy unanswerable to witty pithy words, a comedy to awaken inexplicably those most invisible and vital spirits of drollery!

Mr. Shoe waited impatiently for the page to load. Finally, he became disarmed by the sudden rumble and pulse of a rapidly undulating bass, punctuated by the terse chanting of a man possessed. The disturbingly earnest mantra of "badger" was met each time by the reciprocal urgency of a swelling conglomeration of cartoon badgers who nonetheless belied their cutesy namesake with an appearance of detached yet fervent insistence, utterly absorbed in the incisive motions of a somehow purposeful and nigh zealous bouncing. The odd ritual continued unabated, with portentous interjections of fungal astonishment, until the tension snapped with the suddenness of a thick rubber band stretched beyond its limit. The terse chanting disbanded into a paroxysmal cry of primal horror, a schizophrenic David Byrne howl of insecure fear literally transforming the once lush and thriving badger fields into a searing desert of depthless, irrevocable anguish: OOooh, a snake!

Zooby was at a loss. He gazed blankly at the strange display before him, thoughtless, wordless, expressionless. He continued to watch, entranced, until the faint crease of a smile cracked his still facade. But even such a small fissure proved enough. An instantaneous flood of laughter suddenly and inexplicably burst forth from behind an invisible dam, letting loose a pealing tide to fill the great gaping nothingness. Even as the deluge abated to a slow, steady trickle, he continued to peer in bizarre absorption, entranced by an irresistible wordless spell.
  • #47

Originally posted by Tsunami
OK. You can come out now. There's too much crap in your room to play with.

nope- I like being grounded
  • #48
Originally posted by Zantra
I had no idea my little link would spawn 3 pages of responses.
But the more I listen to this song, the more trance-like it seems.
After listening to the song for the last 15 minutes I DEFINATELY feel the groove! Maybe it induces the alpha brainwaves and alters the state of conciousness to a higher, more alert one, ideal for studying. So for everyone trying to ace an exam, leave this song running in the background!


Later at the exam: who was the second person to walk on the moon, answ: Badger. What is the main thing you need to overhaul the system, answ: a badger. If fire breaks out in the cabin, what is the first command you give, answ: a snake A SNAKE, snake a SNAKE, aoohoe it's a snake!
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  • #49
I think it is about a batch of badgers, who are really hungry. First they see a mushroom, which they are not happy with. But it is the only thing they are finding, so the exitement for it increases. Until they find a snake and their exitement peaks with all of them gathering and jumping up and down: Jeeej! A snake! But since the only thing they do is jump of exitement and the snake disappears on hiding. Then the only thing they can find is mushrooms again.. one mushroom, who cares, two mushrooms, nice snack, three mushrooms, a big snack maybe, four mushrooms, WELL, that can make a good meal *jejj*, but wait: a snake A SNAKE, snake a SNAKE, aoohoe it's a snake! And the snake escapes again, and they start looking for more mushrooms again.

Those are my two cents.
  • #50
I found this website with intelligence information: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/9/21/122711/849

Save America from badger, mushroom, snake (Diaries)

By splitpeasoup
Sun Sep 21st, 2003 at 12:27:11 PM EST

America is being overwhelmed by a new phenomenon. A mind-control technique, produced by cunning "Flash" software technology and distributed by the means of the notorious "Internet" network. (This same "Internet", by the way, has been known to be used by terrorists, Wiccans, Vanilla-Coke drinkers, and other subversive elements). But I digress.


"Badger, mushroom, snake", as the evil propaganda tool has been termed by high-ranking intelligence officials, is being taken very seriously. Soon after people were exposed to it, they have been known to walk about the streets muttering "badger badger badger badger..." and jerking their arms up and down. Psychiatric wards are overflowing. Suicide rates have tripled over the last few days, most of the suicide notes saying things like "This was the only way I could get the tune out of my head". A third of American women report that their sex life has tanked recently, whereas incidents of non-consensual bestiality are reported to be on the rise.
Evidence has been found that this is being perpetrated by Al-Qaida. The terror alert has been upped a notch, and the president will shortly take emergency measures to counter it... as soon as we can drag him away from his computer.

Am.. I.. noooo!
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  • #51
What a thread for this thing! Guess this flash has made quite an impression.
Upon seeing how popular this got, I felt it might be worth while for me to search for new fun droning animations...maybe about weasels? I figured there must be hundreds of worthy competitors for these badgers. I was wrong. Searched high and low, and I can honestly say this is by far the best one(kinda sad) It's got the best beat, certainly the most hypnotizing, and even its edjucational value is head and shoulders above the rest(really sad).

So anyway, kudos to whoever made this thing.
  • #52

THAT is what I meant. Yes. Thank you.

  • #53

Originally posted by Zantra
nope- I like being grounded
  • #54
This reminds me of TNG episode where Riker [spelling?] bring back the bio-optically coupled [LASER] game that makes the crew slaves to an invisible master. Zanta is our Typhoid Mary! Zanta, I hope you're happy; you've got half of PF hooked on Mushroom Music.
  • #55
Ok you people are like a cult now. very scary- don't drink the kool-aid
  • #56
Originally posted by Zantra
Ok you people are like a cult now. very scary- don't drink the kool-aid
Too late! (it was cherry - my favorite). What's that multi-colored VW van doing in my driveway? Why are there badgers oozing out of the gas tank? OOOOOO...LOOKY! There are mushrooms growing out of the headlights! I'll go pick some for my friends!
  • #57
Zen badgerism meets mystic mushroom. Reminds me of my variable black light strobe - at 20 flashes per second (accompanied by appropriate water instrument), any flourescent poster would become vigorously animated, badgers et al. However, "Magic Eye" mind holographs now make for the best clean high - or any visual effect for that matter (or is it all a conspiracy?)
  • #58
I've been gone for, what, one or two days and there are already two more pages here! You damned fools, it not funny! You'd think you'd all have jobs, but no, you're just a bunch of brainwashed fools saying badger; badger. And I have proof too!: many of you have changed you signiture to reflect this thread!
PS: tribdog: If the name Gale17 means she is 17 yrs old, you'd better shutup or she might be able to sue you.
Gale17: Are you one of like, what, two females on this whole website? What's that about?
  • #59
Originally posted by Jonathan
I've been gone for, what, one or two days and there are already two more pages here! You damned fools, it not funny!

Don't badger us...not without mushrooms anyway.
  • #60
Originally posted by Jonathan
I've been gone for, what, one or two days and there are already two more pages here! You damned fools, it not funny! You'd think you'd all have jobs, but no, you're just a bunch of brainwashed fools saying badger; badger. And I have proof too!: many of you have changed you signiture to reflect this thread!
PS: tribdog: If the name Gale17 means she is 17 yrs old, you'd better shutup or she might be able to sue you.
Gale17: Are you one of like, what, two females on this whole website? What's that about?

I do have a job- but I was thinking of quiting to devote more time to my badgering:wink:

And gale can't sue him for making comments on the internet. Even if she was underage(which she isn't- age of consent is 16 in most states) I've never heard of someone being sued for making comments on the web. It's all in good fun! And there a quite a few females: loren brooda, kerrie, gale, entropia, tsunami- I know I'm missing someone...
  • #61

Originally posted by Tsunami

see? you just got to know how to work the system
  • #62
So I've finally managed to turn an intellectually stimulating, soul searching, revolutionary site, and reduce it to 3 little words

Badger badger badger

*sits back and sighs in contentment*

My work here is done
  • #63
I didn't know kerrie and tsunami were women; I don't even know who entrophia is! Anyway, I haven't heard of it either, but with all those frivalous lawsuits...I bet the ACLU would back her for some reason too! (The age of consent doesn't matter, it'd be a harassment case, not a Kobe, I mean, rape case.)
  • #64
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
This reminds me of TNG episode where Riker [spelling?] bring back the bio-optically coupled [LASER] game that makes the crew slaves to an invisible master.
Which is why one upright walking, hairy, bi-pedal creature who had the foresight to elicit descriptions of the site did not succumb to the game. I saw that episode, too.
  • #65
I wrote that episode while I was badgering.
  • #66
Originally posted by Zantra
And there a quite a few females: loren brooda, kerrie, gale, entropia, tsunami- I know I'm missing someone...
How about... let's say... for instance... maybe me?
  • #67
Ack i have a paper due tommorrow and now all i can think of are badgers!
  • #68
I think I'm the only single female though. The only teenage one too. But it'd be dumb to sue tribdog, I've gotten worse than his few comments. sides, i love attention...
  • #69

Really, I like chicks, but not enough to become one!
  • #70
Originally posted by Loren Booda

Really, I like chicks, but not enough to become one!
That was Zantra who listed the females. Do you remember Loren Greene - the dad on Bonanza? Yeah - 'he' was a chick, too! Great make-up job, don't you think?

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