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Hmmm not many companies, I can start guessing :D Littlefuse/IXYS,, RoHm? or we talking big stuff, like ABB big?

This is obviously also not a personal project, but would be quite interested to hear how/what SiC capability, we've typically worked with IR/Infineon for low voltage (FET) stuff and RoHm/Micro semi for SiC.
Also note in my previous job we had bare die capability, so we would buy sawn wafer on foil and go from there. Now at a new place and unfortunately no more clean room, vacuum soldering and wire/ribbon bonders, so kinda looking for a place that can prototype DBC assemblies... :D
we are private held but dedicated to power electronics and actually #1 in thyristor modules ( Semikron created the module) & 3-4th in the IGBT market. Great company. By big ... I meant power 10KW to multi MW systems, like 3600A IGBT modules.

WOW 500 chr limit? I had a large reply typed up but can not post here ( unless 6 or 7 seperate ones)