Recent content by zyj

  1. Z

    Programs Typical Classes a Math Major Takes?

    Right now, I'm just sort of really uncertain of things, and I thought that doing Math would open the most doors, since I thought I could go to math graduate school, or statistics, or actuarial work, and I also read that taking higher-level math is essential for econ grad school, and I thought...
  2. Z

    Programs Typical Classes a Math Major Takes?

    What if you're not sure which direction you want to go after the Bachelor's level, and want to get exposed to as many fields as possible? What classes should you take, then?
  3. Z

    Programs Typical Classes a Math Major Takes?

    I'm just wondering, but what math classes are the ones that all math majors ought to take?
  4. Z

    Can you multiply the double angle forumla?

    ...try graphing both and see if they're the same.
  5. Z

    Good programs for mathematical physics in canada

    Waterloo does have a Mathematical Physics program, though.
  6. Z

    Undergraduate Good Physics program with good math teachers

    If you live in Maryland (I'm sort of guessing since you mentioned Towson), why not UMD? It has a pretty good physics program, from what I know.
  7. Z

    What can you do with Probability and Statistics?

    I understand that (and maybe I should've been more clear), but I was more interested in like what can you do with it in like a pure-science context.
  8. Z

    What can you do with Probability and Statistics?

    I'm a high-school/dual-enrolled CC student, and in the fall, I plan to take a Prob/Stat class that has multivariable calculus as a co-requisite (I'll probably do its sequel class in the spring as well). What exactly can you do in Physics or Chemistry with knowledge of Prob/Stat?
  9. Z

    Schools High School physics is too easy

    A cheap older edition of HRW in good condition off of AbeBooks shouldn't cost you that much, though I admit I have no idea how much shipping to Australia costs. Not much actually changes between editions.
  10. Z

    Difference between EE and Physics E&M?

    I'm just wondering, but what sort of difference is there between the electromagnetism that Electrical Engineering majors learn and the electromagnetism that Physics majors learn?
  11. Z

    Which AP Exams Should I Take for a Future in Engineering?

    For APCSA, you're probably fine with just the review book and an IDE to do practice code in. The one they used at my class was called jGRASP, but pick whatever you like. There isn't a lot of material in APCSA, since it's really supposed to be a semester course in CS; my class finished in January...
  12. Z

    Kolmogorov & Fomin's Elements of Theory: Real Analysis or Lebesque?

    Do you think I would be able to handle it after or while concurrently reading Spivak?
  13. Z

    Kolmogorov & Fomin's Elements of Theory: Real Analysis or Lebesque?

    I'm looking for a Real Analysis book to start with, besides Spivak. On Amazon, one of the reviewers said it was good as a subsequent book for learning Functional Analysis/Lebesque Integration, while another said it was a good introduction to Real Analysis. For those of you that have read it...
  14. Z

    What does the bi stand for in bicarbonate, what is the purpose?

    It just refers to the fact that it's a carbonate ion with an H+, essentially a proton, attached to it. I'm not sure where 'bi' comes from, but that's the reason why bicarbonate is also sometimes called hydrogen carbonate.
  15. Z

    Good O-Chem and Computer Science texts?

    I know this is PhysicsForums and all, but I was wondering whether anyone had any recommendations for good Organic Chemistry textbooks,as well as for CS. I don't really know much about texts for the former subject, and the latter, all I can think of is Knuth's Art of Computer Programming series...