Recent content by ztak07

  1. Z

    Ratio of Forces by from Tennis Serve?

    Homework Statement During a tennis volley, a ball that arrives at a player at 40 m/s is struck by the racquet and returned at 40 m/s. The other player, realizing that the ball is out of bounds, catches it in her hand. Assuming the time interval of contact is the same in both cases, compare the...
  2. Z

    I need to learn Calculus 2 without dying

    Bump, but I got a B in the class with 100 on the final. It came down to just watching videos explaining the concepts then memorizing ways to solve types of problem.
  3. Z

    I need to learn Calculus 2 without dying

    I understand my study method is terrible. Last night I tried the Pomodoro technique and that worked pretty well for me. You basically time yourself for 25 minutes then take a break in between. I got like 3 sections done last night and I'm going to do it again.
  4. Z

    I need to learn Calculus 2 without dying

    No because I actually like writing code.
  5. Z

    I need to learn Calculus 2 without dying

    Hi, I'm a college freshman studying computer science. I'm required to take up to Calc 3 and I'm currently in Calc 2. At the mid term I have a C( should be lower). I've always struggled with reading texts that are dense, I can't read for more than 5-6 minutes at a time without my mind running...