Recent content by ZLife

  1. Z

    Confused about Duality in Projective Geometry

    So I'm studying projective geometry and I'm confused about duality. In particular, I'm confused about drawing dual pictures. If you look at Menelaus's Theorem and Ceva's Theorem, they are supposedly dual diagrams.'_theorem...
  2. Z

    Programs Spring Classes (Freshman Math Major): Too much?

    Hi TotalDeriv, My schedule right now looks almost identical to the one you're going to take except I'm taking a music class instead of world history. I'm a freshman too and my advisor thought I was crazy as well but so far I would say my schedule hasn't been too bad and there are many times...
  3. Z

    Is this schedule too difficult?

    Thanks for all the responses everyone! Honors Matrices is a 2 credit course, Vector calculus is 4 credits and discrete math is 3 credits. Discrete math is also an introduction to proofs course and I want to finish it so I know how to write proofs early on in college and then I think it will...
  4. Z

    Is this schedule too difficult?

    I will be starting my freshman year this fall. I want to take these courses: honors vector calculus honors matrices honors discrete math waves/optics english comp I have a ton of APs already so I have virtually no general ed requirements. I'm willing to study over the summer. Does...