Recent content by zimbob

  1. Z

    News Explore Zimbabwe: A Southern African Gem

    Zimbabwe Burning I am glad that so many of you have had time to read about Zimbabwe. The situation is getting worse everyday, with most parts of the country's urban towns going for weeks if not months without running water and electricity in their homes.The shortage of water is largely due...
  2. Z

    Decomposition of cooper II carbonate hydroxide hydrate.

    Thanks for your reply. The purity of the starting material was not provided but however your lead has put me in better shape. Any hint on the decomposition equation?
  3. Z

    Decomposition of cooper II carbonate hydroxide hydrate.

    Homework Statement Lab Experiment: I added 5g of Cu2CO3(OH)2 in a bunsen burner and the resultant was a black product weighing 3.327g, representing a mass ratio of 0.67/1.0 Homework Equations The question is whether the remaining black compound is anhydrous copper carbonate...
  4. Z

    Voulme of an ice cream cone bound by a sphere

    Any ideas please, I am stuck.
  5. Z

    News Explore Zimbabwe: A Southern African Gem

    Zimbabwe formely Rhodesia was a British colony under "minority rule" until 1980 when Robert Mugabe became president after 7 yrs of fighting. When he came to power,he kept the "colonial system of governance in place for a while" which helped the country in a sence. It is believed that the war was...
  6. Z

    News Explore Zimbabwe: A Southern African Gem

    Zimbabwe is a beautiful country in southern africa and its main neighbour is South Africa. This small country used be the bread basket of Southern Africa due to a vibrant agricultural system and sound economic policies.However since the "land crisis" of 2001 the situation has gone berzerk with...
  7. Z

    Voulme of an ice cream cone bound by a sphere

    The "cone" part is given as z= sqrt{x^2+ y^2-1} which I agree is not an equation for a cone but a hyperboloid as you mentioned above. What is troubling me is how to deal with the (-1) inside the sqrt.
  8. Z

    Voulme of an ice cream cone bound by a sphere

    Thanks for your response, so is it logical to re-arrange the integral limits such that it becomes: Volume of cone =integral(limits theta= 0 to pi/4)integral(limits r=0 to 1/sqrt2)[sqrt((1-r^2)-r)dr d theta.
  9. Z

    Voulme of an ice cream cone bound by a sphere

    Homework Statement Find the volume of an ice cream cone bounded by the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2=1 and the cone z=sqrt(x^2+y^2-1) Homework Equations The two simultaneous equations yield x^2+y^2=1 The Attempt at a Solution Attached
  10. Z

    Calculating Workdone on a Helix using W=Integral F.Tds

    I get the point, and I am now using 2pi as the ending coordinate. My next dump question is having (-1,0,4pi) not (1,0,4pi) when i apply 2pi to the parametric equations.