Recent content by Zeppelin_Child

  1. Z

    Can Someone Really Visualize in the 4th Dimension?

    Right, she can not actually "See" the fourth and fifth dimensions, that would be absurd. Like MikeC, she can see in her head how to take an object out of a closed box through the fourth dimension, etc. Are there any other tests I could give her? Maybe ask her about the "folding" of a tesseract?
  2. Z

    Can Someone Really Visualize in the 4th Dimension?

    That's certainly a wealth of information! Thank you very much! I think I'm going to have her imagine a hypercube the next time i see her.
  3. Z

    Can Someone Really Visualize in the 4th Dimension?

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this, I havn't been here in a while, and I was neevr really active, but I don't really know where else to ask about this so here goes: A friend of mine claims she can visualise in the 4th and 5th spatial dimensions. I've read some books by Michio Kaku...
  4. Z

    Over The Edge: Building an Ant Staircase with a Deck of Cards

    It really depends on the number of cards you have, can you use cards simply as weight? you oculd sandwich cards so that there is a stack of three with the middle one sticking out, and use weight on the back end to keep it sticking out?
  5. Z

    Achieve the Unsaid: What We Were Never Told

    Just because someone disagrees with your "innovative" ideas doesn't mean that they are being closed minded, keep that in mind... Secondly, I'd like to see a thread about that scientific ecxplination of supernatural powers if it's not too much trouble Hat_Man. Finally, and I'm keeping all...
  6. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    Well I've got to thank you all for these wonderful suggestions. Because I'm not a particularly fast reader, it will take me a while, but I'm going to look into all of these suggestions. Thanks again :smile:
  7. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    Which would you all suggest, The Elegant Universe book or TV special?
  8. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    Wow, Asimov wrote a WIDE variety of books, but I'll be sure to check some out. I don't know any calculus yet, but by next year I should be better off.
  9. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    A sophmore is a 10th grader. Is that PBS special The Elegant Universe? Thank you all for your advice, I am looking into the books. :smile:
  10. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books certaintly speaks well of that book, and it suggests The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen William Hawking as well. The description is enticing. Hasanyone read the book, and is it worth while? Thank you.
  11. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    Thank you! I don't know how active of a poster I will be, but I've been browsing the forums for the past month or so.
  12. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    Wow. I read the description on, and this book sounds perfect. Thank you so much, I think I will order it as soon as possible. Any other suggestions are welcome still. Thanks again :smile:
  13. Z

    Sophomore in High School Seeking Physics Books

    I am a sophomore in high school, and am becoming very interested in physics. It started when I was young and did a report on Albert Einstein, but is just now blossoming. I'm intrigued by nearly all areas of physics, and have just now begun to further my knowledge. I've read Beyond Einstein and...