Recent content by zedya

  1. Z

    Calculating Standard Error of Mean for 2D Histogram Data

    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if there is an effective answer to my problem, but here goes: I am working on Ramachandran plots for short peptides (3 amino acids long). For every snapshot of the protein (this would be my data point) there are two angles being recorded, the phi and psi angles...
  2. Z

    Is the hamiltonian in the coordinate representation always diagonal?

    So, one more question (thanks a lot for this reply by the way, beautiful explanation)... how would you prove the above? I always get confused with notation stuff... how would you prove that \langle x| \hat{H}| y \rangle = H(x,-i\partial_{x}) \delta(x-y) is true mathematically? Thanks...
  3. Z

    Is the hamiltonian in the coordinate representation always diagonal?

    I think someone said something of that sort a while back... and I made a note of it. It's been confusing me for several days. Because I was pretty sure that it made no sense. I wanted to check basically. Thanks for your replies.
  4. Z

    Is the hamiltonian in the coordinate representation always diagonal?

    In the coordinate representation of a quantum mechanical system, is it always true that the Hamiltonian of the system is diagonal? If so, can someone explain to me why this is true?