Recent content by ZB08

  1. Z

    Parachute- acceleration due to gravity

    Thanks! I was reading another thread on this and it stated that the F air before would equal the F air after, as while the parachute has a bigger surface area the air molecules are hitting at a slower velocity. So again the F air after is also equal to W. So kinda confused on the different...
  2. Z

    Parachute- acceleration due to gravity

    Thanks for the replies. What i gathered today in class was that W = mg, and so I thought that just because he opened his chute, he didn't change his mass and so he should still have same weight and accelerate at the same rate. Am I right from what ye are both saying is that W = mg is just one...
  3. Z

    Parachute- acceleration due to gravity

    Hey, just started learning about forces and having trouble getting my head around forces acting on a parachutist and acceleration due to gravity. I understand that at terminal velocity Fg = Fair friction, my problem is when he opens his chute and starts to float down is he still accelerating to...
  4. Z

    AC Voltage - How is it transfered?

    Mentor comment (D H): Emphasis mine. Thanks, the explanations really helped. Sophie the bicycle chain analogy was really good and thanks taterz for such detail. If I can use the bicycle analogy, is AC comparable to moving the pedal back and forth periodically but if the voltage is appiled by...
  5. Z

    AC Voltage - How is it transfered?

    Sorry but have only a basic understanding of electric circuits? My understanding of DC circuits is that the p.d between either terminal of the power supply is the electrical energy used by the electron in moving through the circuit. How does the voltage change in an AC circuit if the voltage is...
  6. Z

    Sound Wave Physics: X-Axis vs. Trough

    Thanks everybody
  7. Z

    Sound Wave Physics: X-Axis vs. Trough

    Hi, easy one but can't really get my head around it. The physics teacher today showed sound as Sine wave on an oscilloscope. If I was actually listening to this sound wave, where would it be silent, on the x-axis or at the trough? Please explain.