Recent content by Zantra

  1. Zantra

    Today I Learned

    Today I learned that at my advanced age with all the sum knowledge and experience that we'll probably never understand the nature of a woman. Some things are just not meant to be understood: )
  2. Zantra

    Technological singularity and artificial intelligence

    I didn't find this exact topic, so here we are! Let me begin by saying that the singularity is inevitable- Its not "if", it's how soon. Elsewhere on this board it was mentioned that we're far from autonomous driving. Assuming we mean level 5 autonomy, it means millions of hours of road...
  3. Zantra

    What's Your Opinion on C.S Lewis and His Works?

    If you want to swing to the opposite end of the spectrum, Phillip Pullman's take is an atheist's take on the hypocrisy of religion. And the themes are as overt, if not more so than CS Lewis' stories.
  4. Zantra

    Lingusitics French or Spanish: Which Language Will Win Over the Babes?

    Forget the Ferrari and learn the french. Women will melt, and it endear you to France,and you'll be compelled to follow in Hemmingway's footsteps, meet amd fall in love with a beautiful young french girl you meet in the Jardins du Luxembourg. She will promise to love you always, but later break...
  5. Zantra

    Rebecca Zahau's death ruled a suicide - bound and with a t-shirt stuffed in her mouth

    clearly it's murder, so either the cops are on the take, the coroner is an idiot, or they are trying to gather enough evidence to put the real culprit away. Let's hope it's the last...
  6. Zantra

    Total BS Fees: Discuss and Share Experiences

    I would at least talk to an attorney before going through with it. If it's not explicitly stated in your current lease, they would have a hard time enforcing it in court. Personally I'd just move elsewhere, but if you're going to stay, don't let them stick it to ya!
  7. Zantra

    Skip college and become a Nuclear Power Reactor Operator. Really?

    good to know nuclear reactors are maintained by folks who couldn't stomach 2 years in a community college...
  8. Zantra

    Is Believing in Love a Sign of Immaturity?

    Is it childish to hope?
  9. Zantra

    Finding Solace in Favourite Quotes: Escaping Despair with Words of Wisdom

    I''ve got tons of quotes but I think I'll go with: We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town -Jack Handy
  10. Zantra

    Who should pay the tuition bill?

    Kids, we love you but it's time for some tough love.. If you give a man a fish... Seriously though, how many kids have the discipline, and motivation at that age to apply themselves? (shut up evo:P). There are a myriad of reasons that forcing your child to pay for at least part of their...
  11. Zantra

    Is Cursive Writing No Longer Essential in Indiana Schools?

    I guess I'm in the minority, but I see this as a bad thing. I grew up learning cursive, and had to use it basically all the through school, and pretty much up until college, I had to use it. When I was in school the perception was always pretty much that non-cursive was the "lazy" way to write...
  12. Zantra

    Why Do We Act Harshly in Online Discussions?

    Hard to believe you've never come across people like that because they are so prevalent... 2 true personalities, no, but anonymity emboldens people to throw aside social graces in a way that would most likely get them into trouble in real life. It's not a different personality' just a...
  13. Zantra

    Why Do We Act Harshly in Online Discussions?

    pretty obvious.. no one's going to punch you in the nose or kick you in the nutz on the internet if you say nasty insulting things. I'm betting most of the "highly vocal" folks on the net are actually pretty meek in person.
  14. Zantra

    What is the Most Powerful Film Score of All Time?

    Same duo that did the fountain movie/soundtrack- client mansell/Aronofsky.. good stuff
  15. Zantra

    Do we see the universe the way it is?

    This is as much a philosopical debate as a scientific one.. It's as if you were blind and I asked you what the color red looked like, which leads back to the cave allergory... Another point- we perceive the universe how we perceive it- there's no "right or wrong". If the question is...