Recent content by zainy199

  1. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    A= 50pi( (5x10^-3)^2-(2.5x10^-3)^2) = 2.94x10^-3 m^2
  2. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    I don't really like this system of taking tests back home and bringing them next class. He should just make the questions on the tests easier, so we don't have to take them home.
  3. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    Yeh sorry, you're right. The answer if 4417.5 N. I was using the diameter, not the radius lol. Still don't know what to do for the second part.
  4. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    Oh, now I see the problem. It's not accelerating in a circle, so there is no centripetal acceleration. But then how do I calculate the velocity with which it leaves the slingshot?
  5. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    Well I assumed that the net force is the one we calculate using the young's modulus equation. Once i get acceleration I use a= v^2/r. Assuming that a is the centripetal acceleration. The radius is 25 because he's being stretched 25m from the slingshot at a 45 degree angle, hence creating a...
  6. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    Sorry for the repost. This is what I've done for question 1a) F/A = (y x delta L) / L delta L = 25-10 = 15 meters A = A(outer) - A (inner) A = 50pi(7.5x10^-5) =0.0118 m^2 F = ((0.0118)(1x10^-6)(15))/(10) F = 17,700 N For Part B) Im not exactly sure how to do this but I...
  7. Z

    Youngs Modulus and Centripetal Acceleration

    Question #1) In a new bungee sport a 70 kg rider is projected from the shore, out into a lake for a splash with a human scale slingshot. The stretched slingshot is made with a set of 50 cylindrical rubber tubes 1) stretched at a 45 degree angle from the horizontal. The tubes are cylindrical...