Recent content by zachx

  1. zachx

    Admissions Sending College Transcripts Now or Later?

    I'm applying to some schools that have a February 1st deadline. I'm not sure if I will do too well this semester. Let's say it moves me from a 3.7 to a 3.6. Would sending my transcript now before the semester ends be advantageous or would it just look dubious? Would they request a more recent...
  2. zachx

    2 Different Ways to Write Potential Energy of a Pendulum

    I have been doing pendulum problems lately, and I have found 2 different formulations for potential energy of a pendulum. U=mgl(1-cos(Θ)) and U=-mglcos(Θ) The first says U=0 when Θ=0 (at the bottom). The second has U=0 when Θ=π/2 (halfway to the top). Both give the same equation of motion...
  3. zachx

    Physics Is a job in physics possible? I have a bachelor's degree in geology

    Planetary geology, astrogeology, and geophysics come to mind. You will need more schooling, but you are probably best to use your geology knowledge in combination with physics or astronomy. Good luck!
  4. zachx

    Programs Physics or mathematics degree?

    I have some problems with your plan. You say you want to interested in computers, but don't want to go into computing because you wouldn't "make an impact." Read about Elon Musk. He started in computing, was very successful, and then made SpaceX. You cannot make an Aerospace start-up in the way...
  5. zachx

    Physics Is a Physics PhD Worth It? Considering Career Prospects and Personal Fulfillment

    Hi, I am a junior astrophysics undergraduate student and enjoy physics, but after researching astrophysics PhD's, I am having second thoughts about graduate school. My impression of physics graduate school right now is that you are paid what amounts to minimum wage to work 60 hours a week for...
  6. zachx

    How Does Summing Infinite Integers Equal Negative One-Twelfth?

    Moo. Alright, well 1 last question: so when you multiply, you're adding a bunch of times and when you integrate you're finding the area, so conceptually what are you doing with the Ramanujan Summation?
  7. zachx

    How Does Summing Infinite Integers Equal Negative One-Twelfth?

    Oh, never mind thanks for clearing it up for me, but I still don't quiet understand why it's negative n
  8. zachx

    How Does Summing Infinite Integers Equal Negative One-Twelfth?

    I thought that too, but this guy pulled out some string theory textbook.
  9. zachx

    How Does Summing Infinite Integers Equal Negative One-Twelfth?

    I've recently accepted (reluctantly) that 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12, but wouldn't that mean the limit as x→∞ of f(x)=x not be ∞ but some maybe negative number because if it were ∞ then 1+2+3+4+... should also be ∞. Also, do numbers get so positive they become negative lol.