Recent content by zAbso

  1. zAbso

    Self charging keyboard - Is it possible or just funny?

    You could use a keylogger to keep track. Maybe track over the course of a week or two and then find the average.
  2. zAbso

    Self charging keyboard - Is it possible or just funny?

    Maybe a way of taking in and using or storing natural body heat while the user uses the keyboard. Not sure how practical this is, but I'm sure there could be a way. Possibly using the keys or a wrist rest to take in the heat and convert it.
  3. zAbso

    Self charging keyboard - Is it possible or just funny?

    If by self charging you mean wireless charging, then yes it is a possibility. Much like the wireless charging pad Samsung has come up with.
  4. zAbso

    Studying too much or too little?

    Currently for CS, lecture is three days a week, there is a chapters worth of work to do in the span of about two weeks (which is pretty light). On top of that we have two programs to code each week. Also a mandatory weekly lab outside of class. Math courses are generally four days a week with no...
  5. zAbso

    Studying too much or too little?

    It's always good to have one. I'm a sophomore, I was able to make it through my freshman year without a good plan but as things progressed I noticed how scattered I was. CS and Physics is a lot of trial and error, depending on your background, while you learn and figure things out so don't be...
  6. zAbso

    Studying too much or too little?

    What's posted in the OP is what I'm currently going with for now. I'm working on implementing the tips I've received, but I'm sure I'll figure something out along the way. I still haven't been able to put the plan to use since we've been on break. Are you currently in high school or enrolled at...
  7. zAbso

    Attempting to transfer to MIT (wishful thinking I know)

    Your best bet is to just go to the schools website and look at their transfer requirements. I doubt that wanting to do physics over engineering will increase your chances.
  8. zAbso

    Turbine performance: understanding notation This should explain what trim is, I only briefly read over it but it should help.
  9. zAbso

    Turbine performance: understanding notation

    GT12 is the model (Galvanized Turbine), 0.39 Area/Radius I have family that works for a manufacturer, maybe this link will help you if I'm thinking of the right thing.
  10. zAbso

    Write-up for Summer Research Programme

    If that's all you have then by all means include it in the write-up somehow. I doubt they're expecting fully fleshed out theories waiting to be tested. Take these questions and write out answers for yourself. Take whatever you write and expand or condense the information. I'm sure this will be...
  11. zAbso

    Advice for a student who did poorly in their first semester?

    Something like this depends on the person (or the class in some cases). Some people do well with having notes to look back over, and others don't need them as much. It depends on how they learn and what they're most comfortable with.
  12. zAbso

    Advice for a student who did poorly in their first semester?

    (I'm currently in my second year of college) It's just as he says. If you can, try your best to make a concrete schedule for studying and homework. Something that I learned my freshman year is that you have a lot more free time than you think. Having a concrete schedule means you can plan around...
  13. zAbso

    Creating a College Routine: Balancing Lectures and Homework

    I'm currently majoring in both computer science and physics, minoring in chemistry (though I'm having trouble fitting a few classes into my schedule). Currently looking at approximately 9 lecture hours, the rest are lab credits (totaling 12 credit hours, so a light schedule this semester). Yes...
  14. zAbso

    Creating a College Routine: Balancing Lectures and Homework

    For what reasons are you asking? Are you asking for a specific major or just for the general college student? Also for what regions, as in inside or outside of the U.S.?
  15. zAbso

    Creating a Website: Advice for Beginners (fog37)

    Are you looking to create your own website, as in writing the code yourself or are you looking to use a hosting site? Godaddy provides webhosting and servers for you, so there would be no need for you to convert a computer to a host for a server. Though If you want to convert or use a computer...