Recent content by YusifNurizade

  1. Y

    Understanding Gauss's Law Regarding Magnetic Field in Current Sheets

    MikeyW, I'm either unfamiliar or can't recall the Biot-Savart Law although the quick glance I took after reading your message has examples of single wires. The scenario I am considering involves no given thickness but a known width and infinite length. Later elements of the example...
  2. Y

    Understanding Gauss's Law Regarding Magnetic Field in Current Sheets

    Hello all, I've gotten some solid advice on these forums before and I was hoping someone could help me out again. I'm learning about Gauses's Law and am having some trouble understanding how it pertains to the magnetic field in a current sheet with a width. The online examples I've...
  3. Y

    Distributing gifts among children, any number of gifts per child possible.

    Thank you all for the ongoing support, it has made me feel very welcome on the forum! Yusif Nurizade
  4. Y

    Distributing gifts among children, any number of gifts per child possible.

    Thank you, that cleared it up! We went over it in class today and it was basically the same explanation. Glad to have a place I can turn to, this class is pretty hard to begin with and going really fast because it's summer. Thanks again for the help! Yusif Nurizade
  5. Y

    Distributing gifts among children, any number of gifts per child possible.

    Thank you for the hospitality and the advice fellas. I've reread your suggestions several times over and I'm afraid I am still in the dark. Dick: One by one the gifts can go to any of 11 children. But then you have to pick which child gets a gift. Does this mean that I was right or only...
  6. Y

    Distributing gifts among children, any number of gifts per child possible.

    Hello all, My name is Yusif Nurizade; long time lurker, first time poster. I am taking a summer class which is going at a rather quick pace and I could really use some help with the following problem: A total of 11 different gifts are to be distributed among 15 children. How many...