Recent content by yUNeeC

  1. Y

    Integration (Spherical) Question

    It's zero. Thinking about xyz in the range of 3\leq\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}\leq 6 z can never go less than \sqrt{12} due to \phi, while the max of the function should occur at each axis having a value of \sqrt{12} I guess that, and a combination of the symmetry = 0. Conceptually clear now...
  2. Y

    Integration (Spherical) Question

    That still results in theta integrating to 0. Also, I'm reasonably sure that the range of theta is [0,2pi] as "the cone pi/4" means the angle pi/4 with respect to the z axis. It's a different plane, so "above" has nothing to do with the position of the x and y axis. The angle drops down from...
  3. Y

    IQ questions: Patterns in shapes and arrows

    1 is definitely A. The 2 shapes gradually become more alike, then the 2 step sequence starts over and repeats. There are 3 variables in play: shape, size, color. 1: Same shape, Diff size, Diff color 2: Diff shape, Same size, Diff color 3: Same shape, Same size, Diff color 4: Same shape, Diff...
  4. Y

    Integration (Spherical) Question

    I apologize...didn't realize the Latex thing was on top of the message box. Anyway, time to make this more clear... Evaluate the integral where E lies between the spheres p = 3 and p = 6 and above the cone phi = pi/4: \int{\int{\int_E{xyzdV}}} So basically, I convert to spherical...
  5. Y

    Integration (Spherical) Question

    Hey guyzerz, I'm reviewing for an upcoming Calc. III test and have come across a review problem that is giving me fits: Evaluate the integral where E lies between the spheres p = 3 and p = 6 and above the cone phi = pi/4. The integral is TRIPLEINT[xyz]dV So basically, after...
  6. Y

    Calc III Problem Integrating Sq Rt's in Arc Length Formula

    Wow I feel stupid. Haha thanks a bunch.
  7. Y

    Calc III Problem Integrating Sq Rt's in Arc Length Formula

    Hey guys, I'm studying for a test in calc 3 tomorrow and have run into a problem. On the practice test we have a problem "Find the length of the curve: r=theta^2, 0≤theta≤pi/2" I know the length of a curve in polar coordinates is int(sqrt(r^2 + (dr/dtheta)^2))dtheta...but when I get to where...
  8. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    Mathematics can be used to study the natural world. I suppose this would be under the "physics" category...but it is mathematics nonetheless. Also, I suppose "natural mathematics" has realms outside of physics (modeling, etc.)
  9. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    You have got to be kidding me. CS is not a natural science. Sure, a good amount of logic is involved, but it is logic geared towards implementing a man-made system (hence it not being natural.) Mathematics is a pure language used to explain natural phenomena, while computer science has a...
  10. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    Math = natural science CS ≠ natural science Math is more fundamental to logical development than is computer science. Therefore, I would venture to say that a CS major would benefit from math more than a pure mathematician would benefit from CS. Your opinion doesn't turn my opinion on it's...
  11. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    Very true. And I'm starting to take interest in I suppose if it is programming oriented I should make the most of it.
  12. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    Well, math is fundamental to pretty much everything. Computer science, at least in my opinion, is not.
  13. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    Yeah, I'm at ECU. Interesting...I just don't understand why part of the core of the BS degree in math would be programming...but I guess that's just my luck. Thanks for all of the help guys.
  14. Y

    What is Algorithmic Problem Solving ?

    What is "Algorithmic Problem Solving"? Hi all, I'm trying to get a head start on next semester's difficult classes and am kind of confused about what a certain class entails. I have a Computer Science course that is part of the core for my math major: "CSCI 2310, 2311. Algorithmic...
  15. Y

    Schools Advice for a Young High School Student (Where did you screw up?)

    I had the same attitude in high school as you did...but when I got to Uni I decided to buckle down and consequently earned a 3.74 during my first year (one C bringing me down...didn't go to that class for the final 7 weeks and paid the price [really low homework grade!]). I'd say, as long as...