Recent content by yoziva

  1. Y

    Projectile trajectory : calculating gravity and height

    Thanks, but actually I cannot use 'g' with 9.81 m/s^2 or any other 'constant'. I know it is not usual but 'y0' 'v0' 'd' and 'h' are my constants. 'θ' and 'g' are my variables. You may consider I'm simulating the projectile on an unknown planet, or if you prefer a planet where the gravity can...
  2. Y

    Projectile trajectory : calculating gravity and height

    Hello, I'm trying to simulate a projectile movement (without any air friction). But my projectile parameters are not conventional. I know : The initial height (y0) The initial velocity (v0) The maximum horizontal travel distance (d) The maximum height (h) I need to find ...