Recent content by Yoseph Santoso

  1. Y

    Question about travelling wave equation

    There is a multiple choices question about traveling wave in my book. Based on the graphic, if T = 2s, the wave equation is ... My answer : ω = 2π/T = 2π/2 = π k = 2π/λ = 2π/4 = 0,5π → in my country, we use comma (,) for point (.) y = ±A sin (ωt - kx) y = -0,5 sin (πt - 0,5πx) y = -0,5 sin...
  2. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    Okay, thank you physics teachers forum who has patiently taught me :smile:
  3. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    Okay, now allow me to reconfirm my early post: Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figure? My answer is yes, but written or not depends on the condition. Either first or second opinion above become a kind of method that can be used depends on the condition.
  4. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    Okay, from this thread I learned to be careful in applying definition of significant figures, to estimate extra digit as doubtful figure we must include uncertainty. Is it right?
  5. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    Okay, let me confirm again. Since there is no uncertainty in the multiple choice, so the safest answer is C. But the better answer is (4.350 +- 0.005) cm. Am I correct?
  6. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    First of all, forgive me if my question is lacking in detail. Allow me to confirm what I have learned from this thread. Because the poor of the question and we are forced to choose one answer, if the line of main scale and vernier scale is perfectly aligned, the answer should be D. If the...
  7. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    Okay thanks for all of your explanations. Actually my question comes from the Final Test for senior high school in my country (Indonesia). The multiple choices question is : From the image in attachment, the vernier caliper reading in significant figures rules is ... A. 4.3 cm B. 4.30 cm C...
  8. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    I would like to say thank you for your response. I know about uncertainty of measurements. But if the reading of vernier caliper written without uncertainty so how many significant figures of the reading? If we write in 1.23 cm, it has 3 significant figures. If we write in 1.230 cm, it has 4...
  9. Y

    B Does a vernier caliper have doubtful figures?

    In measurements, significant figures have certain figures and first doubtful figure. I looked for whether vernier caliper (with 0.01 cm accuracy) have doubtful figure or not, then I found two opinions about it. The first opinion tells that vernier caliper reading doesn't have doubtful figure...
  10. Y

    Phase angle and Phase in Simple harmonic motion

    Okay I see. I think maybe that Indonesian books writers want to make easy the readers to understand the phase "angle" that mostly refer to degree or radian unit. Do you think so?
  11. Y

    Phase angle and Phase in Simple harmonic motion

    Thanks for your reply Dale. I mean not for the symbol or notation φ with θ0 , Dale. My Indonesian book differentiate phase angle and phase itself. Phase angle = ωt + θ0 (in degree or radian unit) and phase = t/T + θ0/2π (doesn't have any unit). Are "phase angle" and "phase" of the wave...
  12. Y

    Phase angle and Phase in Simple harmonic motion

    I'm a teacher at a Senior High School in Indonesia. I have two Senior High School physics books (Indonesian book) written about simple harmonic motion formula: y = A sin θ = A sin (ωt + θ0) = A sin 2πφ = A sin 2π (t/T + θ0/2π) phase angle = θ = ωt + θ0 phase of wave = φ = t/T + θ0/2π But I...
  13. Y

    Buoyancy: 3 solid things have a different position in the water

    Okay, I see my great teacher. Thanks for your clear explanation. :woot:
  14. Y

    Buoyancy: 3 solid things have a different position in the water

    Okay thanks gneill, now I confident with my answer and learn more from you. Let me ask one more question :smile: . I ever made an experiment about neutral buoyancy with water, egg, and salt. I wanted to put egg hover in the water by adjusting the density of the water. When the egg sank, I added...
  15. Y

    Buoyancy: 3 solid things have a different position in the water

    I think P position is impossible, it must be in the float halfway or sink. On the other hand, my teacher say that the correct answer is A. It's to make sure that the density of R is greater than P so that R position is lower than P position. According to you, does my teacher's reason make sense?