Recent content by Yayfordoritos

  1. Y

    Is Dyeing a Dog with Kool Aid Safe?

    Is it safe? I hear so many different opinions on the internet, that some people say it's perfectly safe, and others say it's bad for the dog. Me and my sister were thinking of dying my mom's two maltese's if the Bronco's make it to the super bowl, one blue and one orange. It would only be for...
  2. Y

    I don't get the Theory of Relativity

    That's true! I moved around a lot when I was a kid and a couple times we had to live in the poorer areas and I ended up excelling academic wise in those areas, but when we moved to a more affluent area, I had to struggle to keep up just cause they were so much more advanced. I remember Oprah did...
  3. Y

    What is the hardest thing for you to wrap your brain around

    The hardest thing for me to wrap my head around is how people can still think the universe was created in 6 days, and that a virgin got pregnant by an immaculate conception.
  4. Y

    What is the ultimate truth about the universe?

    Isn't the more universes part of the string theory thing? Maybe someday they will be able to have a real life start trek crew that explores space, that would be cool.
  5. Y

    I don't get the Theory of Relativity

    How did it become so famous when it's so hard to understand?
  6. Y

    What Are Some Must-Watch Movies According to Scientists?

    I got sent here cause I put this in the wrong thread...Dark Knight Rises, absolutely awesome.
  7. Y

    Is The Dark Knight Rises the Best Batman Movie Ever?

    Thanks sorry I didn't know about it : ) and it's Ms. Doritos
  8. Y

    Star Trek Dream Team: Arnold, Seagal, Falk, Carrey, Lee, Theodore, Whoppi

    Sorry my stupid laptop cuts me off. Worf absolute #1 Jamie foxx Picard origanal actor Wesley Crusher Don't know his name but he was in How to Train Your Dragon Counselor Troi Doesn't look anything like the original but Julia Roberts Other than that I don't know, sometimes you think an actor...
  9. Y

    Is The Dark Knight Rises the Best Batman Movie Ever?

    I know it's not a sci fi movie and it probably violates the terms of this board, but if any of you get a chance to see this movie it is completely awesome. The best Batman movie I have I ever seen.
  10. Y

    Should you be fired for being a, irresistible attraction?

    I think the dentist and his wife seem like nutcases. Don't understand why the assistant didn't quit, I wouldn't want to work at a place like that.
  11. Y

    Are Electrons Not Part of an Atom?

    The is a good site.
  12. Y

    Are Electrons Not Part of an Atom?

    Thanks, I was confused cause the way they described it I thought electrons were just charges flowing around atoms, that they could either have them or not have them. Thanks and happy holidays.