Recent content by yapi

  1. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    If I understood correctly what I have read, there are vast number of somewhat complex QM systems which still maintain superpositions of some/all of its QM objects like, for example, atoms and molecules(?). This seems to imply that interaction between even 100s of QM objects does not...
  2. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    I now recall reading about this interpretation, but no, was not thinking about it. To me (uninitiated into "tech" QM) such interpretation makes no sense as it implies that either there were no WF "collapses" before consciousness or that consciousness has always existed. My thinking was more...
  3. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    Thanks for the explanation. Is there a verifiable difference between a "collapse", e.g. an observed particle is no longer in the superposition of its states/positions, and a change in the probability distribution caused by interaction with wider QM system (observer)? Would we observe different...
  4. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    My understanding is mostly from non-technical books and tiny bit technical lectures by popular authors: S. Carrol, L. Susskind, R. Feynman etc. I am curious but non initiated, slowly getting there. I understood now that single Universe wave function is just another interpretation. I will go...
  5. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    My mistake, I did not realise that a single Universe wave function is just one of interpretations, my bad. Was under the impression that this is something all in the field agreed on based on some experiments.
  6. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    I knew that I must know most of the answer to properly ask question :) I am trying to understand the concept of single Universe wave function and consequences of this concept as applied to, for example, classical double-slit experiment. Traditionally, I was told that a wave function of...
  7. Y

    I Collapse of particle wave function and single Universe wave function?

    Hi All, Sorry for a silly question from a curious but not properly initiated: why a concept of a particle wave function "collapse" upon "observing" even a thing given that there is only one Universe wave function that this particle is a part of? As I understand this, once a particle has...
  8. Y

    I 9 y.o. question: will a spoon of neutron star matter explode?

    Thanks a lot. My 9 y.o. will be delighted to know that his intuitively conjectured kaboom has scientific merits to it. The spring analogy will be particularly helpful.
  9. Y

    I 9 y.o. question: will a spoon of neutron star matter explode?

    To respect the scientific tradition of a spherical cow in a vacuum, let's assume that we have a spoonful volume of neutronium in a vacuum of space far enough from any relevant scale strong gravity, e.g. (I am conjecturing here): let's imagine crazy fast traveling (ejected by supermassive black...
  10. Y

    I 9 y.o. question: will a spoon of neutron star matter explode?

    We, myself with my 9 y.o., were guessing that as neutron is unstable when not inside of an atom, then when it decays it will produce proton + electron and some extra stuff (energy, neutrino?) and that all this put together will look to the external observer exactly like the spoon of starry stuff...
  11. Y

    I 9 y.o. question: will a spoon of neutron star matter explode?

    Greetings All, Well, this is the question from my 9 y.o. son: what will happen if a famous Everest heavy spoon of neutron star matter is actually removed from the star? I am inclining to his version that it will explode rather quickly, e.g. neutrons will quickly decay into protons-electrons...
  12. Y

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    Hi guys, I am just wondering: what is the minimal speed of let say an electron which is sufficient for the observation of the double slit experiment effect? Are there actually any experiments about this? Have spent some time googling it, but nothing obvious popped out.