Recent content by Yalanhar

  1. Yalanhar

    Convolution of 2 Signals: Finding the Sum and Limits of y[n]

    ##x[n] = (\frac{1}{2})^{-2} u[n-4]## ##h[n] = 4^{n} u[2-n]## So I plotted x[k] and h[n-k] in picture but x[n] is 0 for n < 4, therefore ##y[n]## only has value for n >= 4. Therefore my sum is like that: ##y[n]=\sum_{k=4}^{\infty} 4^{n-k} (-\frac{1}{2})^k## ##y[n]=-4^{n}...
  2. Yalanhar

    Calculate work done by variable force

    Well, yes. I don't know if can change dr to v(t)dt
  3. Yalanhar

    Calculate work done by variable force

    Yes Calculate the work done by that force after time t
  4. Yalanhar

    Calculate work done by variable force

    Is my solution correct? $$ F(t) = at + b $$$$W=\int_t F(t)dr, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~dr = v(t)dt$$$$W=\int_t F(t)\cdot v(t) dt$$ $$ f = \frac{dp}{dt}$$ therefore $$v(t) = \frac{1}{m}(at^2/2+bt)$$then $$W = \int_t \frac{at+b}{m}\cdot\left(\frac{at^2}{2}+bt\right)dt$$ $$W = \frac{1}{m}\int_t...
  5. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    For the block ##m(A-2Acos\beta cos\alpha) = Tcos\alpha - fsen\alpha)## (1) For the wedge ##MA = 2Tcos\beta +fsen\alpha -Tcos\alpha## (2) (2) + (1) ##MA + m(A-2Acos\beta cos\alpha) = 2Tcos\beta## (3) Using non inertial frame, and the force balance of the block on tangente ##2mAcos\beta =...
  6. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    I don't understand how to balance the forces of block and wedge while they have diferent horizontal accelerations. m is ##A - 2Acos\beta cos\alpha## M is ##A##
  7. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    @Chestermiller is pointing out that there is an error in your equation (2) where you treated both masses as having the same horizontal acceleration ##A##. If I want to stick to the non inertial frame then I can't use block+wedge system, I'll try on Earth's reference
  8. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    But that is on a inertial reference frame right? If yes, then my equation 1 is wrong. I'm trying to solve on the wedge reference of frame, that's why A is perpendicular to g, as show on the upper right corner. But now I'm stuck again
  9. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    Wedge + block X axis ##0=(m+M)A - 2Tcos\beta## Therefore ##T=\frac{(m+M)A}{2cos\beta}## (2) yeah true
  10. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    Thanks! I got the answer! Here my full resolution: Block on X axis ##2mAcos\beta = mgsen\alpha +mAcos\alpha -T (1)## Wedge + block X axis ##0=(m+M)A - 2Tcos\beta## Therefore ##T=\frac{(m+M)A}{2cos\beta}## (2) (2) in (1) ##2mAcos\beta = mgsen\alpha +mAcos\alpha - \frac{mA+MA}{2cos\beta}##...
  11. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    I've worked this problem out to completion, and get the answer given by your book. If, in the equation ##a = 2Acos\beta##, you mean that A represents the horizontal acceleration of the wedge and a represents the acceleration of the block relative to the wedge (in the direction tangent to the...
  12. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    I don't know the name in english. Geometric link? As the wires are inextensible, using the "geometric link" we can relate the accelerations. In this image's case when A travels D, then B travels D/2. Because both wire travels D/2 + D/2 = D. Inextensible. In the wedge case, when the box travels...
  13. Yalanhar

    Acceleration of a moving wedge with a falling block

    When the box travels a ## X## distance, the wedge travels ## \frac{X}{2}##. So ##a = 2A## Using the wedge as a non inertial frame: I didn't use (4). Using (2) on (3) and then on (1) I got: ##2mA=mgsin\alpha +mAcos\alpha + \frac{-mgcos\alpha sin\alpha +mAsin^2\alpha +MA}{2cos\beta -...
  14. Yalanhar

    Calculate the rotational inertia of a solid hexagonal

    [QUOperpendicularmr post: 6260489, member: 639870"] I can see that the parallel axis theorem would be useful if the axis of rotation is in the same plane as the hexagon. Is that the case, or is the axis perpendicular to the hexagon? The problem as you have stated it in the original post leaves...