Recent content by yakattack

  1. Y

    Guiding Centre, curvature drift (astro phys)

    Take a 10 keV ion in the van Allen belts 1000km above Earth's surface in a dipole magnetic field of 100 Gauss. Estimate the grad-B and curvature drift if the particle is a proton and compare this drift with the gravitational drift. 3. I know all the formulas needed, but do not know what the...
  2. Y

    Linearly indep. annihilation operator

    Homework Statement If \varphi and \widetilde{ \varphi } are linearly independent and \hat{N}\varphi=n\varphi and \hat{N}\widetilde{\varphi}=n\widetilde{\varphi}, with n\geq 1 \ \text{Prove that } \hat{a}\varphi_{n} \text{ and } \hat{a}\widetilde{\varphi}_{n} \text{ are also linearly...
  3. Y

    Carnot Engine problem (including entropy?)

    1. Homework Statement 1) A 200 litre container of boiling water and a 200 litre of ice cold water are used as heat source and sink for a carnot engine. Calculate the maximum amount of useful work that can be obtained from the system and the final temperature of the two containers of water...
  4. Y

    Properties of Hermitian Operators: Show Real Expectation Value & Commutativity

    I have some questions about the properties of a Hermitian Operators. 1) Show that the expectaion value of a Hermitian Operator is real. 2) Show that even though \hat{}Q and \hat{}R are Hermitian, \hat{}Q\hat{}R is only hermitian if [\hat{}Q,\hat{}R]=0 Homework Equations The...
  5. Y

    In-frame time derivative proof

    Could someone please help with this question. For non-inertial frames show that the in-frame time derivative D obeys: D(fa)=fDa+df/dta Where f is a scalar function and a is a vector. I know that Df=df/dt and that Da= the sum of the derivatives of the components of a times the relavant...