Recent content by yaang

  1. Y

    Lots of the tape stuck to the carpet

    how can you not get Cellotape of the carpet ? Am i thinking of something else, we're talking about the transparent sticky strips right ? They are almost incapable of sticking to a carpet like surface because when you try something like that the dust on the carpet covers all of it's adhesive side...
  2. Y

    Stargazing Rare Total Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice - Dec 21 @12:29AM EST

    lunar eclipse on winter solstice happens once in 500 years, nice to catch one in our lifetime. Too bad i live in a city and the street lights illuminate up my flat almost as bright as day :(
  3. Y

    Some very basic Astronomy questions

    1) When I get out of my house at night and look at the sky at the certain degree while standing outside my door, will I see the same set of stars at any time of the night and any night of the year at the same degree? If the answer is "No" can you give me explanation of all the movements that are...
  4. Y

    Darkness-Free Day: A Sign of Jesus's Birth?

    That wouldn't matter, because the Geographic North Pole would still remain at the same place, what you're referring to is the Magnetic North Pole.
  5. Y

    Darkness-Free Day: A Sign of Jesus's Birth?

    What about Canada and Alaska ? Aren't they considered to be a part of Americas ?
  6. Y

    Breaking a drinking straw with karate chop

    This. İn fact most materials become more brittle in lower temperatures. I'm sure everyone has seen rubber bands or leaves shattering like glass after being dipped into liquid nitrogen. If not do a quick youtube search it's pretty interesting to watch if you've never seen it before.
  7. Y

    Why don't we emit radio waves

    We should be emitting radio waves too , or at least i think so. It's just we emit much more infrared and infrared has a lot more energy than radio waves, infrared dominates.
  8. Y

    Mastering SolidWorks: Tips and Tutorials for Beginners

    Do the built in tutorials Help -> Solidworks Tutorials
  9. Y

    Technology: Blessing or Curse?

    So you're saying we should do more research and develop even more new technologies which will in return make us more efficient and productive ?
  10. Y

    CO2 emitters to ward off mosquito's - works?

    Thanks for the heads up
  11. Y

    Schools Grad school is crushing my soul.

    Very sound advice, i wish someone told me this 5 years ago.
  12. Y

    CO2 emitters to ward off mosquito's - works?

    Interesting, how would that effect an adult person ?
  13. Y

    MATLAB How can I fix the error message in my matlab plotting program?

    plot('b-') is not a correct use of plot. It just tells MATLAB to plot using a blue line but doesn't tell it what it should plot. What exactly do you want to do with plot('b-') ?
  14. Y

    MATLAB How to Link MATLAB GUI User Inputs to a Simulation Equation?

    You don't need to fill most of the callbacks. I've made several GUI's and if your code isn't amazingly complicated then you can just put the entire code inside the callback of your "Start Simulation" button or whatever you've called it. I've never made a realtime simulation like you're trying...
  15. Y

    Controllability Matrix [Control Theory]

    Thanks for the help everybody , after studying the example 1.2.1 @ and trambolin's solution it's crystal clear now. (How can i add "Solved" to the thread title ?)