Recent content by Xilor

  1. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    So I just kept it running for a while on a 16 secs timestep, and it does seem to get closeish. On the first 70 orbits of Mercury the average seemed to slowly converge to the 500-550 arcsec area (there was quite a bit of variance per orbit). After that (until orbit 135 which is where I stopped)...
  2. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    Hmm, I'm definitely curious now. Guess I'll go and attempt to calculate that for a single orbit of Mercury and extrapolate (running a full Julian century on tiny timesteps would take ages). I'm guessing both the location of the perihelion and its precession are measured from the sun, and not...
  3. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    I guess it makes sense to base 2, thanks for the tip! Not really sure how thinking of it as an N-body problem makes any of the questions clearer, I already was from the start. It does also potentially make the asteroid/kuiper belts and the remainder of the galaxy possibly awkward. But I doubt...
  4. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    Ah! This data is awesome, thanks a ton! Using data from this package for the initial conditions even stopped my moon from flying off, to great rejoicing of my virtual moonians. I'll be checking out the different data packages to see which one fits my use case most
  5. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    Okay great, thanks! It was just an attempted clarification of the rest of the question. Like how the positions of the other masses influence things. It isn't just the position + velocity of a single mass that matters. If you'd treat the masses one at a time, the other masses would be...
  6. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    Yep What would the advantage of a power of two step size be? Is that for variable precision? I was intending to use C#'s decimal type if it matters Thanks, I'll try and see if I can implement something like that. Having looked at them briefly, I'm wondering whether the correct move would be...
  7. X

    I Building a solar system simulator

    Hiya Hiya. I'm trying to build a solar system simulator for research purposes, and this does not seem to be all that easy. As in, my firsts tests have the moon shooting out of the solar system... I was wondering if you folks could offer some guidance. So, since it's for research, accuracy is...
  8. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Okay, so it's more of a filter of some of the possible entangled states than a hard break of an entangled connection? By measuring A(X), it's not forcing B(Z) or C(Z) into anything, but it only filtered out the possibility for B(X) and C(X) to be anything other than correlated with A(X). B(Z)...
  9. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Alright, that's fair. Thanks for your help everyone! I learned a ton
  10. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Aaah, thank you so much for the write up! I think I get it now, this is why I was wrong (please correct if still wrong): My statement at the end of 5. in my previous post was incorrect, leading to the false conclusion. As part of the collapse made possible through a measurement of A along the...
  11. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    When I try to apply the rules I'm told, I can't do anything but get to a situation where you can break relativity of simultaneity. I've tried to express this several times but am not being engaged on my point of confusion. I'm not receiving the key piece of information I need to stop making...
  12. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    But the angle of measurements used determines the amount of correlation you end up seeing if I understand Bell's Theorem correctly. If you do AB'C, you start with a different angle of measurement than if you do B'AC. In the former, you start with an angle parallel to C, in the latter you start...
  13. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Thanks, that makes sense. On the currently existing measuring devices it definitely doesn't seem possible, and I obviously can't fathom anything that could do simultaneous detection either. So I guess I'll just accept that this almost certainly just isn't possible. That's what I suspected, but...
  14. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Yes, I'm aware of that, I don't see how instant communication is possible if option 1 is right (though it seems possible in option 2). This is more about the apparent ability to be able to tell in retrospect which event objectively happened before another event based on the amount of...
  15. X

    B Measuring entangled particles along several angles

    Alright, so theoretically impossible. But what would occur if you attempted this in practice? If it can't be put in a hybrid state, it should be put into one of them (or maybe flip back and forth?). What would determine which of the possible states ends up becoming relevant for the entangled...