Recent content by XcgsdV

  1. XcgsdV

    Courses How much Chemistry should I take to prepare for Biophysics PhD?

    Hey y'all! I'm about to enter my second year of undergrad as a double major in Physics and Vocal Music. I am still exploring a lot of what physics has to offer, but I'm very intrigued by biophysics. I recently found a paper on the mechanics behind cell differentiation during embryonic...
  2. XcgsdV

    Other Is it worth doing EVERY problem in a textbook?

    I have no issue with solving *difficult* problems. I've labored over problems in this book for hours because I am well aware that you don't learn without struggling through stuff, especially with math. The difference is I enjoyed that struggle because it was with more interesting problems...
  3. XcgsdV

    Other Is it worth doing EVERY problem in a textbook?

    I am a freshman Physics major currently working through Apostol's Calculus Volume 1 in my free time, somewhat to further develop my calculus knowledge, but mainly for fun. Apostol's text is proof-based, and as such has a number of problems that are just proofs. As a hopeful future Biophysicist...
  4. XcgsdV

    Courses Is Pure Mathematics required to be a top-tier Physics student?

    Hey y'all, I'm starting college as a Physics major this fall and I started working through Steve Warner's Pure Mathematics for Beginners in my downtime because I love the math courses I've had, wanted to learn more about proofs and how those things came to be, and most importantly had nothing...