Recent content by Xargoth

  1. X

    Particles that are traveling towards the past

    I read about an experiment, showing how present or future can affect the past, instead of details will simply share the link. Is there any study (I wasn't able to find with some research) about how a particle...
  2. X

    How does changing the frequency of radiation affect the mass of particles?

    And i lost it right there. No mass and momentum, sounds odd you know
  3. X

    How does changing the frequency of radiation affect the mass of particles?

    Well, i am not a physicst so here is a question: Can E = mc^2 and E = hf be shown as mc^2 = hf creating a Einstein-Planck constant out of two constants, m = f (h/c^2)* I don't know if the equation is true so assuming its true, Can we increase mass by increasing the frequency...
  4. X

    Understanding Time Dilation: How Fast Do You Have to Go?

    I am new to the topic,too..But i can already say, this topic means bussiness; It's like "Forget all you have learned till this day. And welcome the reality" stuff..
  5. X

    Understanding Time Dilation: How Fast Do You Have to Go?

    i gotto tell i find these equations funny, for example i can just say; insert lower V here / insert higher V here, V can not be lower than 1.. if both V is equal than the answer is undefined And now try going over 1..No offense;I am simply curious, is the equation formed by the idea that you...
  6. X

    Understanding Time Dilation: How Fast Do You Have to Go?

    Two simple questions then, i am sure the answers to these will clear the confusion here; -While the universe is not STATIC, then what is the absolute reference point. Is there an absolute referance point? -What prevents me to move relatively higher than "c"? I can have a vectoral...
  7. X

    What is the solution to the MI string puzzle?

    Oh i was trying to say minimum # of I can only be 1, i didn't mean to rule out "2"
  8. X

    What is the solution to the MI string puzzle?

    You can double the x where M_x 3I is equal to U \frac{2^n}{3} You are doomed to end up with 1 "I" remaining..
  9. X

    Can Logic Exist Without Truth?

    1- The following statement is true 2 - The previous statement is false 3- If the first statement is true, then the second statement is false If clause failure; The first statement is not True, thus the second part of the statement is irrelevant. -Requirements not met- 4- Is the third...
  10. X

    Can You Solve This Exceptionally Challenging IQ Test?

    Good, to all who think they have high IQ by taking this test, think again.. Because if you have not seen the bait here for megalomaniacs then you sure are idiots really... :biggrin:
  11. X

    The hardest logical puzzle according to George Boolos

    Lars ; X is true: Da means yes: da (both true, so da as in yes) Da means no: da (one true, one false, hence da as in no. Meanings switched though, see) X is false: Da means yes: ja (one true one false, da as in yes) Da means no: ja (both false, ja as in yes) Please include X is...