Recent content by xanmas

  1. X

    Conservation of Momentum for Asteroid in Dust Cloud

    Homework Statement A spherical asteroid of mass m_0 is moving freely in interstellar space (no external forces) with velocity v_0 . It runs into a dust cloud whose uniform density is \rho_d Assume that every particle of dust that hits the asteroid sticks to it and that the asteroid remains...
  2. X

    LaTeX Citation Formatting Issues with APSR.bst

    Are you declaring your bibliography like this? \bibliographystyle{achemso} \bibliography{masterBib} Also, have you tried placing your apsr.bst in your folder with your paper? Finally, I found that I had to compile in the following order: 1) Latex 2) Bibtex 3) Latex 4) Latex Have you...
  3. X

    LaTeX Solving PSFRAG for PDFs in LaTeX

    Hi, Let me preface my question by saying, I'm not sure if this is the right section but it seemed to be the most fitting. If it isn't, please move it, and I apologize for the inconvenience. So the issue is that the professor that I am working with and I are getting ready to publish a...
  4. X

    What is the relationship between H, psi, and E in Quantum Mechanics?

    Homework Statement I am currently doing undergraduate research and was assigned this as sort of an introduction. I am sure this is a very rudimentary problem and appreciate any help. Basically, its your regular old H*psi = E*psi. Well, knowing that H is psi(-D^2/Dx^2 + cosx + sin^2x = E*psi...