Recent content by xander77

  1. X

    Do gamma and X-ray wavelength photons also exist as collapse able wave fx's?

    >there's no conserved probability density for any individual photon. This is helpful, thank you >Instead, you have to think about a photon as the quantum of the electromagnetic field.
  2. X

    Do gamma and X-ray wavelength photons also exist as collapse able wave fx's?

    Photons are not destroyed by turning off a light, they are just no longer created. The emitted photons travel onward until acting upon something, no?
  3. X

    Do gamma and X-ray wavelength photons also exist as collapse able wave fx's?

    This question has gone unanswered by our friends in nuclear/atomic threads. My question relates to a solitary Tc^99m decay in particular, and to gamma rays in general. If light is a collapse able wave function, are different wavelength energies the same, ie gamma, x, radio, etc. My...
  4. X

    Do isomeric transitions have vector characteristics?

    >I think I see the confusion. This is really a quantum mechanics questions? Yes, actually, but I needed to set up some background, as I was only casually aware of Schrodinger's cat and actively studying gamma emitters in nuclear medicine. Fundamentally, my question is: Does a gamma ray...
  5. X

    Do isomeric transitions have vector characteristics?

    When considering a single atom of Technetium 99m, or any other gamma emitter, does the emitted gamma ray have a vector? In other words, suppose it were possible to have just one molecule of Tc99m, and it were to decay in the middle of a room. Next suppose that two people with perfectly...