Recent content by x3RangeMerge

  1. x3RangeMerge

    Perception of time, relative and distant.

    Thank you sir, for your answer and warm welcome :) I assume then that measurements taken of the planet traveling through its orbit would be different if taken from both locations? but would the difference be in terms of time or distance travelled? Does that make sense? So if we were in...
  2. x3RangeMerge

    What's So Exciting About Science? A Scientist's Perspective lovely to be here! I look forward to getting stuck in!
  3. x3RangeMerge

    Perception of time, relative and distant.

    Hello! This is my first post, so I should make a small introduction. I am not a science expert in anyway shape or form, but I am a keen enthusiast who regularly keeps up to date with science news through popular websites such as IFLS, Space, BBC etc. I have been wondering about this particular...