Recent content by writtenword

  1. W

    The Blushing Face of Saturn: Radiance, Luminosity & Habitable Zone

    Thank you for taking an interest Vanadium 50, Is the radiant product of Saturn the same as its luminosity for purposes of calculating a habitable zone? If anyone can think of a clearer way to ask that without resorting to Jack, Jane and Spot, do let me know. In the mean time that’s my...
  2. W

    The Blushing Face of Saturn: Radiance, Luminosity & Habitable Zone

    Okay, reeling from a defeat in the stellar ring with a self gravitating mass of gas that imploded at a massive temperature when all I wanted it to do was hang around nice and calmly while I put gravitating bodies in I move on to a slightly more conventional model. I do plan to do most...
  3. W

    Air pressure calculation at an arbitrary point within a sphere

    In attempting to disconnect Gravity and Density I was just referring to the idea that the sphere need not be pressurized maximally. The amount of gas in the sphere could be more or less depending on how that affected things. But it is certainly still acted upon by gravity in all cases. In some...
  4. W

    Air pressure calculation at an arbitrary point within a sphere

    Huh, that is a good darn find I must say. While my model is not a self gravitating gas sphere per se, at 1 AU in diameter it could be I suppose after a fashion. I had envisioned it as a volume of gas contained in a sphere such that it’s mass and volume does not have to correlate to its...
  5. W

    4d object heavier then 3d object?

    Hmmm I will assume you are describing an object at rest or to be more specific, not acted upon by any other force and that we are discussing its mass. In purely technical terms this object already posses all the dimensional properties it ever can simply by virtue of its existential presence...
  6. W

    Air pressure calculation at an arbitrary point within a sphere

    Well my first post went into moderation, I suspect because I included the links for the locations of my source information and I’m sure they want to make sure I am not spamming or advertising or something nefarious. Perhaps I will take a different tack this time. No linking of reference...