Recent content by Worthatry

  1. Worthatry

    Freewheeling bicycle and friction

    Hi guys. Thank you for your input. I am trying to work through all your replies, and applies these into an answer; which I am having difficulity doing. The level of this question is aimed at A Level Physics (18 yo). I have not worked with Physics for over 10 years, so it all seems blurred into...
  2. Worthatry

    Can Access to Science Courses Provide a Path to Physics Mastery?

    Thanks Bernhardt! I look forward to getting to know some of the amazing guys on here. Good to be part of the community!
  3. Worthatry

    Freewheeling bicycle and friction

    Forgot to show my attempt... Force = change of momentum/time 33.23N = (75 x 10) - (75 x 0)/time 33.23N = 750/time time = 750/33.23 = 22.6s It will take 22.6s to come to a complete stop. Find distance = S = 1/2 (v-u) x t S = 1/2 6 x 22.6...
  4. Worthatry

    Freewheeling bicycle and friction

    Background question: A bicycle and rider have a combined mass of 75 kg. They freewheel down a slope whose maximum height is 6 meters above sea level. The slope is 20 meters long. At the end of the slope, the bicycle and rider are traveling with a velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the work done...
  5. Worthatry

    Can Access to Science Courses Provide a Path to Physics Mastery?

    Hi. I am new to PF and I hope to learn some Physics, and chat to like-minded people. I am currently taking an Access to Science course, which is the equivalent to 3 A Levels - Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Hope to learn from you guys!