Recent content by Windrose Academy

  1. W

    Attempting to teach this: Momentum and Impulse

    Yes for #1 We used d=½gt² rounding up to 10 for g. For #2. The answer is looking for the delta mv for the 3 s free fall. I used Ft= 🔺️ mv F(3)= 🔺️ (100 kg) (30 m/s) F(3)= 3000 kg • m/s For #5. Looking for the force. I used F=m( vi-vf)/t F=100kg(30m/s-0)/2s F=100kg(30m/s)/2s F=1500N I...
  2. W

    Attempting to teach this: Momentum and Impulse

    Thank you all for your help. A few hours sleep made a big difference as well. While my screen name does say Academy please know I do not have an actual Academy- I am a mother who happens to have 2 teens who homeschool. They wanted to take a physics class. As many of you know science is more...
  3. W

    Attempting to teach this: Momentum and Impulse

    For question 1. I am stuck. I know that the equation involves time and possibly rate, should solve for distance. But not sure how to set it up with information given. 2. Ft= m 🔺️ v F(3)= (100kg)(30m/s) 3 s= 3000 kg m/s Same applied to question 3. 3. F(2)= (100kg)(-30m/s) F(2) = -3000 kg m/s...