Recent content by Willow Wanda

  1. Willow Wanda

    Why do Christmas lights glow green near a Tesla coil?

    The smaller oval style light bulbs glow as well, but I can't find anything larger than that size that produces the same effect. The light bulbs I've been using aren't ancient; they're probably around 5 years old and have never been used. I haven't seen it work with any of the new light bulbs...
  2. Willow Wanda

    Why do Christmas lights glow green near a Tesla coil?

    any kind of christmas lights work (as well as a few older miscellaneous light bulbs that I've found in my basement - but they don't glow quite as bright). I've tried multiple brands and styles of white christmas lights (the small, clear, incandescent bulbs), and they all glow bright neon green...
  3. Willow Wanda

    Why do Christmas lights glow green near a Tesla coil?

    Homework Statement For a high school physics class, I chose to build a tesla coil for a real world application assignment. I was able to build it fairly easily and it turned out great. Before presenting to the class next week, I've been seeing its effect on different types of light bulbs and...
  4. Willow Wanda

    What sparked your love for physics?

    Hey everybody! I'm a 16 year old high school junior girl who loves physics I'm so happy to be here this looks like an awesome site:)
  5. Willow Wanda

    Schools Hey everybody - I need to pick a major for college applications

    Hello y'all! I'm a high school student and I'm looking for some advice:) I am very interested in physics, quantum mechanics in particular. I'm a bit of an overachiever, and I usually overthink everything. I come from a family of doctors, and although they don't pressure me into following in...