Recent content by wildman

  1. W

    Is Principia Mathematica outdated?

    What I meant by absolute rigor not being possible is that you can't prove everything. That no matter what is done something will always be something left unprovable. What Russel was trying to do in Principia Mathematica (as far as I can see) was to try to set up a system that can prove...
  2. W

    Is Principia Mathematica outdated?

    Read "Godel, Escher, Bach, an Eternal Golden Braid" by Hofstadter. Basically Godel proved that absolute rigor is impossible. It is impossible for a logical system of sufficient strength to be both complete and consistent. Sorry.
  3. W

    News Bin Laden is also bitterly opposed to the corrupt and repressive

    They wouldn't be dangerous if they were silly. They know what they are doing. Hey! 9/11 got rid of Saddam Hussein who Bin Laden hated. I would say 9/11 was quite effective.
  4. W

    News If the US withdrew from entangling alliances

    Actually it is tricky. The Saudis sale oil in dollars probably because we protect them (that would be my guess). How long will they take dollars for their oil if we abandon them? Then what will become of our dollar?
  5. W

    News Bin Laden is also bitterly opposed to the corrupt and repressive

    In my opinion, the motivation of 9/11 is simple. The US is the protector of the Saudi King. Bin Laden has been trying to overthrow the King for a long time. He attacks the King's protector. Makes perfect sense to me. I agree that religion is just an excuse. On the other hand, to say that...
  6. W

    Scientist Career Path: Is It Pessimistic or Real?

    Einstein was working in the Patent Office when he had his golden year in 1905. I have friends who have published dozens of papers while working at our company. Many people have won Nobel Prizes working in a Government or Industry. Working in Industry can actually be a better path to...
  7. W

    Security Clearance: What Gov't Checks for Approval

    Actually, they are mainly interested in whether you actually exist or not, in other words you are who you say you are. Governments plant people who pretend that they are native Americans. That is why they interview so many people and so far back. They actually don't care at all about your...
  8. W

    Will the Earth really flood when global warming happens?

    2 meters would be a bummer in Florida.
  9. W

    That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.

    Of course he meant "a man". Look he had just taken a hair raising decent that almost killed him and now he is stepping for the first time onto an alien world and you are judging him for leaving out an "a"? That is crazy. It was amazing that he would be able to talk at all.
  10. W

    Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ethics

    Embryos for embryonic Stem Cells come exclusively from Fertility Clinics (right?). If they are not used for research they will eventually be destroyed anyway. If you don't like what is going on, then you should attack the source of the problem: the fertility clinics and not what is down...
  11. W

    Is Evolutionary Theory Undermined by Creationist Claims?

    I was trying to back up what you said.
  12. W

    Is Evolutionary Theory Undermined by Creationist Claims?

    Evolution is a mathematical model built on stochastic processes. It is no different from physics or any other science in that respect. The math IS the science. The rest is experimental or observational evidence to back up the model. Period. Whether God (or little green men) guided the...
  13. W

    Is Evolutionary Theory Undermined by Creationist Claims?

    We don't know the mind of God, maybe he does like beetles.
  14. W

    News Russia Attacks Poland: Putin's Speech and Secret Materials

    Keep in mind that just before WWII the USSR was in pretty desperate shape. Stalin need all the time and space he could get to rebuild his army. It is easy to judge now, but Stalin was in a hard position at that time. He did what he needed to do and Russia survived to beat Hitler.
  15. W

    News Big Business and its penchant for mindless drones

    Mindless drones are the reason startups regularly clean the Big Business' clock.