Recent content by wildebeest44

  1. W

    I Relativity of Simultaneity: An Overview

    I just saw the guide, thanks, i'll give it a try. So, suppose that clocks are placed in ##x_1## and ##x_2##, in S they are in sync so, ## \Delta t=0 ## However in S', which is moving with speed u relative to S, we have for each clock ##t_1'=\gamma(t_1-\frac{u}{c^2}x_1) ##...
  2. W

    I Relativity of Simultaneity: An Overview

    I recently started studying Special Relativity an my book discusses the following: Say I have synchronized two separated clocks in a reference frame S, if then an observer in another reference frame S' for whom the clocks are moving sees the clocks he would say those clocks are out of...