Recent content by whoeli

  1. W

    Speed of sound with a ball on the end of a string

    When I was younger I had a ball on a string. For what it's worth, the ball was quite a dense rubber, and about two inches in diameter and spherical, so I think it weighed about two-and-a-bit ounces, maybe two-and-a-half. The string was about a metre long, and it was very stretchy... Once I...
  2. W

    Snooker/billiard/Newton's balls

    Thanks so much. :) I appreciate it.
  3. W

    Snooker/billiard/Newton's balls

    Hi guys, I just joined so I could ask a question on something about which I've been curious for quite a while. Imagine a shot in snooker whereby the white ball hits a red, and that red was already touching another red. The result of the shot is that that second red gets fired away like a...