Recent content by whiteholes

  1. W

    Is the universe a recycling bin? (Entropy)

    The second law of thermodynamics does not state that entropy must decrease. It states that overall entropy of the whole system increases, but entropy will increase in some places and decrease in others. The second law of thermodynamics is not a certainty but possibilities. There is a greater...
  2. W

    Putting chloroplasts into animal cells?

    have anyone of you ever thought of putting chloroplasts into animal cells? What would happen if i did?
  3. W

    Why do clouds stay up in the air?

    density. but clouds? Why doesn't it sink right down to Earth nor float away to space? It is within Earth's atmosphere but seems unaffected by gravity.
  4. W

    Why do clouds stay up in the air?

    i got a question from my physics lecturer and would like to see your opinions. "Why do clouds stay up in the air? Isn't gravity acting on it?"
  5. W

    Our universe should be called multiverse and not universe

    i will but that card might take 4 years to reach you at the speed of light and i will be younger than you after that high speed journey!
  6. W

    Matter vs Anti-Matter: Why Did Matter Dominate Universe?

    Let's imagine that thery are made in equal amounts. They would be converted to photons on contact but there is such things as parallel universe. There might be an anti-matter you. But please if you ever meet him don't shake hands! So means there would be another universe that is mainly...
  7. W

    Are White Holes Real or Just a Theoretical Concept?

    white holes, yea who called me? I think can't exist now since it defies the 2nd law of thermodynamics. So if it does, the law have to be changed. Quasars are not white holes?! try comparing the big bang to a white hole!
  8. W

    Our universe should be called multiverse and not universe

    The laws of physics are not the same in everywhere. Stand on a black hole or stand on a white hole(if it exist) and you would be amazed that the laws of physics there would be totally different from what on earth!
  9. W

    Our universe should be called multiverse and not universe

    ok that means other universes are of equal significance to you. right? space travel to the nearest star would take 4 Earth years but due to time dilation, it would seem like just a few months. Also wormholes would ppossibly provide shortcuts in space travels. (i think black holes...
  10. W

    Our universe should be called multiverse and not universe

    nope! I totally disagree. By saying that only our universe is imporatant, its like saying humans are only those that reside on earth! Arnold said "it would be arrogant to say that there are only humans in the universe!" Anyway by studying other universe, we can possibly predict the future of our...
  11. W

    Does Gravity Violate the Cosmo Speed Limit?

    if everything is expanding at the same cannot tell any difference
  12. W

    Does Gravity Violate the Cosmo Speed Limit?

    actually i don't get what you mean. if everything expands at the same rate, you will not be able to tell the difference. but this is what the astronauts claim.
  13. W

    Does Gravity Violate the Cosmo Speed Limit?

    if we drop a ball of lead and feather they will both fall at the same time right? But both the ball and feather has mass means it has certain amount of gravity pull. So each of them will have a different pull against the earth. But in expansion theory, the Earth expands towards the object at the...
  14. W

    Does Gravity Violate the Cosmo Speed Limit?

    Here...i think that gravity is possible but trying to weigh the possibilities!