Recent content by whirlpoolm51

  1. W

    Good books on superclusters and voids?

    good books on superclusters and voids?? I have been searching for a good undergraduate to advanced level book on galaxy clusters , dark matter , superclusters and voids and I have yet to find any. I have found however the scientific American library book " the dark matter and cosmic web...
  2. W

    Stargazing Best Telescope for under 1400$.

    If you main interest is in visual observing I suggest something around 10 to 12". Orion makes very good dobsonians with DSC ( digital setting circles) that allow you to locate thousands of objects at the push of a button. You just type in or look up an object in the handset and then push the...
  3. W

    Gravitational Lensing: Is He Right or Wrong?

    Thank you guys! I knew a lot about gravitational lensing but I could not for the life of me figure out these little details when debating lol The whole debate just had me second guessing myself but now thanks to you guys its obvious he has no idea really. He also kept bringing up quantum non...
  4. W

    Gravitational Lensing: Is He Right or Wrong?

    I recently engaged in a argument with a fellow that tried telling me that gravitational lensing was not because of the warping of space due to mass but instead he told me this " On a cosmic scale , the mowing energy is in the form of angular momentum, quantum mechanically , the creation of...
  5. W

    Newbie questions about core mechanics topics

    I am a newbie to physics forums and I would like to say thank you to the creators of this site because it is going to be a huge help to me and my future endeavors into physics! I honestly do not know how it took me so long to find a forum with this kind of topic as I have been a member of cloudy...