Recent content by whatzzupboy

  1. W

    How can I use math to calculate the distance of a trebuchet-launched projectile?

    I was just woundering how to find the distance of a projectile, when thrown by a trebuchet, mathematicly?
  2. W

    What Do M and C Represent in Einstein's Equation E=MC^2?

    ok well I am basing the equastion out side the universe so... what then is C?
  3. W

    What Do M and C Represent in Einstein's Equation E=MC^2?

    i thought the speed of light was 299,292.6Km/S
  4. W

    What Do M and C Represent in Einstein's Equation E=MC^2?

    What do the variables M and C reffer to, in the equastion E=MC^2?
  5. W

    Stargazing Buying a New Telescope and would like some input.

    Yes I would lie to be able to photograph object, no I do not want to have to manuly move it, my stroage and sky is no problem, yes I currently own a fairly old and baisic telescope that is electricle and is my second telescopre I have had since I was 8.
  6. W

    Stargazing Buying a New Telescope and would like some input.

    Well like the title says I'm buying a new telescope and would like to know what y'all think would be the best for looking at Galaxies and Nebulas, PRICE IS NOT A PROBLEM though I would like to keep it lower then $3,500.
  7. W

    What are non-trivial zeros in reference to the Riemann Hypothesis?

    What exactly do they mean when they say "Non-trvial zeros" in reffrence to the RH?
  8. W

    Riemann Hypothesis effect on the world

    Ok, what exactly would it take to solve it? Does it simply have to produce primes one after another, in order, or is there more to it?
  9. W

    Riemann Hypothesis effect on the world

    What would be the effects on the world and to the individual or individuals if the Riemann Hypothesis was solved?
  10. W

    What is the closest we have come to

    I understand number theory i was reffering more to what is the closest anyone equastion has come to explaining the prime the relation?
  11. W

    What is the closest we have come to

    What is the closest we have come to proving the number theory? - What does the equastion look like
  12. W

    Does the Summation of a Number Equal Its Square Root?

    Thank you Dextercioby, that is exactly what I meant can \sum_{k=1}^{n} k^{power} equal the root of n
  13. W

    Does the Summation of a Number Equal Its Square Root?

    no I'm saying if u take the summation of any number can its factors equal the numbers square root Summation notain of x^1 to (x-1)^1= 1^1+2^1+3^1+4^1...(x-1)^1
  14. W

    Does the Summation of a Number Equal Its Square Root?

    any I am just asking though is there any way at all that the summation of a number equal its square root