Recent content by WhatmoughG

  1. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    I'm searching the internet for plans for somthing that fits your criteria that I can use or scale up. I'm not an engineer or anything so I pretty much need to copy a design 100%
  2. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    We have a multirotor but I'm not sure if we want to use it with a tether behind the truck.. I think a tapered delta design with a couple of skis for take off and landing is what I should go with. I'll try for a 2.5m^2 Like you're saying strive. I should be able to get something like that...
  3. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    Researching my trip I have found that the speed limit on lots of the ice roads is actually only 25km/h
  4. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    10° of sway should be fine, the gimbal will be able to handle that much. Do you know of a platform that could be modified or a kit that would be suiting or do you think this is something that could be built from scratch easily enough?
  5. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    What would the the person operating the glider be doing? Are you saying that it wouldn't be possible to have a glider that stays on course by itself? Thanks
  6. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    I was thinking something that is pulled with cables from the truck would be better because it would only require one operator, just for controlling the camera Gimbal. Also I thought it should be a little cheaper...
  7. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    There will be lots of driving on desloate roads. It probably would be wise to not use it anywhere where there's a chance of other vehicles
  8. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    Flying high above the vehicle is what I am looking for. I guess, how high above should be determined by vortices perhaps as you say they are a considerable problem. This will help determine the lens and camera that I use. I never considered vortices so that is valuable information to think...
  9. WhatmoughG

    Designing a Kite for a Truck Adventure

    Hey, I am embarking on a drive to the arctic circle. I have spent a bit of time googling looking for a kite to pull behind my truck to film the adventure and can't find much useful information. Is there anyone that could design or point me in the direction of a place to design a decent kite to...