Recent content by wellmoisturizedfrog

  1. W

    Converting from sin to cos appropriately with phasors

    My transmissions line class often features problems where the voltage is expressed as a sin, not a cos. Obviously a phase shift of pi/2 is sufficient to convert between the two. However, I have trouble understanding when adding pi/2 is appropriate as opposed to subtracting pi/2. As per my...
  2. W

    Difficult Understanding Magnitude and Phase Shift of Transfer Function

    Ah I see, thank you for the insight! I appreciate the insight and resources.
  3. W

    Difficult Understanding Magnitude and Phase Shift of Transfer Function

    Hello, My textbook offers the following transfer function as an example. It then goes on to explain that the following equations represent the magnitude and phase shift of the transfer function. However, I am having some difficulty jumping from the first equation to these equations. From...