Recent content by webb202

  1. W

    B What is empirically known about the shape and size of the Universe?

    If you move between disciplines you will discover different thinking models. Yes mainstream science has made incredible progress, yes we need hard proof of theories, but when you are inside a thinking mode box you do not realize how constrained your outlook is! Convergent thinkers all think...
  2. W

    I Ratio of Normal to Dark Matter: Unchanged Since Beginning?

    This would suggest that there are no decay paths between non- and baryonic matter?!
  3. W

    I Ratio of Normal to Dark Matter: Unchanged Since Beginning?

    The beginning is usually considered to be the start. How else would you define it?
  4. W

    I Ratio of Normal to Dark Matter: Unchanged Since Beginning?

    Has the ratio of normal to dark matter remained the same since the beginning?
  5. W

    B What is empirically known about the shape and size of the Universe?

    Is the attitude of the pharisees in thinking that only they have the right to truth! Our education system creates convergent thinkers who are blind to other ideas. Most of our greatest leaps forward in knowledge have been through the fusion of ideas outside the 'mainstream'. With less...
  6. W

    Understanding Particle Interactions with Scalar and Vector Fields

    The field Phi is an analytical construct, particles experience only the vector at a given moment, only by moving do they experience the gradient
  7. W

    Understanding Particle Interactions with Scalar and Vector Fields

    Can anyone help with an ongoing argument we are having. When a particle interacts with a vector field e.g. the electric field, it experiences a force trying to move it which depends on the particle charge and the local field condition, - but when it interacts with a scalar field e.g. the Higs...
  8. W

    Evidence of Special Relativity

    I know that the example of time dilation and length contraction due to Special Relativity is usually given as the mountain top / sea level decays of muons created by cosmic rays but what is the evidence for mass change?
  9. W

    How particles interact with the Higgs Field?

    Thanks Thank you all for such terrific responses. I am working at the edges of my own understanding and you have given me much material to probe. As an educator I disagree about explaining complex concepts. Back in about the 16th century it was believed that the blood supply moved like the...
  10. W

    How particles interact with the Higgs Field?

    I agree that the math is daunting but don't underestimate the ability of able students to get a flavour of the theory. 'To provide mass to the particles as observed' -your response dodges the 'How' of the mechanism.
  11. W

    How particles interact with the Higgs Field?

    Reading around gives me some idea of WHY particles interact with the Higgs field but not How! I am looking for a model that I can use to explain the process to my High school students. Can anyone help please. John
  12. W

    Matter Vs. Antimatter-They have reversed charge, but sadly not reverse gravity.

    Anti-matter and gravity Is there any evidence about the response of anti-matter to gravitational fields?