Recent content by wcivch

  1. wcivch

    B Ride Gravitational Waves to Increase Speed?

    Have I misunderstood relativistic mass? M= yMo. As well as the speed of gravity is the speed of light and gravitational waves propagate at that speed. Relativity showed that gravity was not instantaneous and that it’s effects were bound by the speed of light. Where am I missing something? Or...
  2. wcivch

    B Ride Gravitational Waves to Increase Speed?

    This is my first post so I apologize if i am in error anywhere. I recently had a thought that I have had trouble confirming. Based on the following assumptions. 1.) As you accelerate an object near the speed of light it’s mass increases exponentially. 2.) Mass warps space time. 3.) Spacetime...
  3. wcivch

    What is the Role of Relativistic Physics Enthusiasts in the Marine Corps?

    Hey everyone, I am not a physicist. I actually studied microbiology, I’m more of a relativistic physics enthusiast. I actually don’t work in the sciences at all and am in fact a marine. So this is more of a fun pass time for me to answer some questions that google can’t.