Recent content by waterbottle12

  1. W

    Admissions Questions about applying to chem REU summer internships?

    I have a few questions about applying to REU programs. I've heard that some schools are a lot more selective than others...but how would you know which ones are the hardest/easiest to get into? I mean...I want to apply a some safeties (even getting into these will probably be difficult for me)...
  2. W

    Average intensity problem? related to EM waves?

    Homework Statement The helium-neon lasers that we use in lab produce light waves with an average power of 0.85 mW. Suppose that at a distance of 1.0 m from the laser the beam has a diameter of 1.1 mm. a) What is the average intensity of the laser beam 1.0 m from the laser? b) What is the...
  3. W

    Magnetic field and currents problem

    Homework Statement 8) A long straight horizontal wire is oriented along the north-south direction. Conventional current flows through the wire from south to north. a) What is the direction of the magnetic field at a point 5.0 cm above the wire? b) A compass placed 5.0 cm above the wire...
  4. W

    Eddy currents and current induction questions

    Homework Statement A solenoid is connected to a power supply and a ring of metal is sitting on top of the solenoid. When the power supply is turned on the ring jumps up off the solenoid. a) Suppose that when you look down at the solenoid from above. The current due to the power supply is...